MrKinau / MyResourcePack

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We have to talk... #1

Closed jaszlo closed 9 months ago

jaszlo commented 9 months ago

Regarding your mod's name

Using "My Resource Pack My Choice" as a wordplay on "My body, my choice" for a Minecraft mod name can be problematic. The original slogan is deeply associated with women's reproductive rights and autonomy, making it a sensitive and serious topic. Applying this slogan to a mod name, especially in a gaming context, may trivialize the gravity of the original message. It risks causing confusion, backlash, or misunderstanding, as the serious connotations of the original phrase may not align with the lighthearted and creative nature of the Minecraft community.

jaszlo commented 9 months ago

This regards the name of your mod on modrinth. This is the state on the 05.12.2023 at 16:53 UTC.


TNikoT commented 9 months ago


jaszlo commented 9 months ago

Using "lol" as a reaction to my previous comment trivializes or dismisses the concerns raised about the potential sensitivity of the current mod name. The paragraph highlights the serious and sensitive nature of the original slogan, emphasizing that applying it to a gaming context could be problematic. Responding with "lol" suggests a lack of consideration for the potential impact and may be interpreted as not taking the concerns seriously. In discussions involving sensitive topics, it's generally more respectful to engage in a thoughtful and considerate manner rather than using dismissive expressions like "lol."

Thank you @TNikoT

TNikoT commented 9 months ago


MrKinau commented 9 months ago

Dear interlocutor,

I fervently avow that the gravity of the situation at hand is utterly inconsequential, nay, negligible in the grand tapestry of my subjective musings. Pray, let us cast aside the ponderous cloak of solemnity and delve headlong into the whimsical realm of irreverence and merriment.

Verily, the juxtaposition of the weighty feminist aphorism "My body, my choice" with the lighthearted, pixelated pursuits of the Minecraftian cosmos is an unparalleled stroke of linguistic legerdemain. In this whimsically surreal amalgamation, the juxtapositions become a veritable symphony of semantic acrobatics, pirouetting with gleeful abandon through the corridors of lexical absurdity.

Hark, my esteemed conversant, as I assert with unwavering conviction that the juxtaposition of solemnity and jest is a veritable tapestry woven with threads of irreverent jocularity. The quizzical gazes and furrowed brows that may emerge from such linguistic acrobatics are but the delightful byproducts of a linguistic dalliance that transcends the banality of commonplace discourse.

In summation, let not the specter of gravitas haunt our whimsical linguistic escapades, for in the realm of lexical exuberance, the incongruity of juxtaposition becomes the very warp and weft of our linguistic tapestry.

Yours in linguistic convolution, MrKinau | David