MrLetsplay2003 / ShittyAuthServer

Host your own (shitty) authentication server for Minecraft using the Yggdrasil authentication scheme
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web interface #1

Closed barkeser2002 closed 2 years ago

barkeser2002 commented 2 years ago

web interface nothing changed anything skin settings skin URL and add another login information


TheArrayser commented 2 years ago

do you are have the english?

barkeser2002 commented 2 years ago

little bit:/

MrLetsplay2003 commented 2 years ago

I've just pushed an update which should fix this issue, please try it again in the newest version to see whether it still exists

barkeser2002 commented 2 years ago

Yeah buttons are working for new update but skin not uploading request error

barkeser2002 commented 2 years ago

Yeah buttons are working for new update but skin not uploading request error

my bad cert files error for post to directory for skin file

MrLetsplay2003 commented 2 years ago

Are there any errors in the browser console or in the webinterface log?

barkeser2002 commented 2 years ago

skins are thrown nicely i getting websocket errors in the variables in the panel, probably because i using an apache proxy

MrLetsplay2003 commented 2 years ago

Okay, I'm going to close this issue since the original problem seems to be fixed. As for your proxy setup, make sure you've enabled the proxy_wstunnel module and add a rule to your VirtualHost like this:

ProxyPassMatch ^/(_internal/ws)$  ws://$1