MrMEEE / awx-rpm-v2

AWX-RPM Reignited
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
33 stars 9 forks source link

tower not up #14

Closed anirudh342 closed 5 months ago

anirudh342 commented 9 months ago

Hi All,

please find the logs

[root@awxtower ansible]# ansible-playbook -i inventory /root/awx-rpm-v2/ansible/awx-rpm-install.yml [WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details

PLAY [all] ***

TASK [Gathering Facts] *** ok: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Install SELinux python library] ** ok: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Put SELinux in permissive mode, TOOD, Re-enable] ***** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Allow NGINX to listen on tcp port 8043] ** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Allow NGINX to listen on tcp port 8013] ** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Set httpd_can_network_connect flag on and keep it persistent across reboots] ***** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Populate service facts] ** ok: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Disable Firewalld, TODO, Re-enable] ** skipping: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Set nis_enabled flag on and keep it persistent across reboots] *** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Add the AWX-RPM repository] ** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Enable the PYPI RPM repo] **** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Enable EPEL] ***** ok: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Enable a RHSM repository] **** skipping: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Install AWX-RPM] ***** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Install PostgreSQL] ** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Initialize Postgres Database] **** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Start and enable PostgreSQL] ***** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Create User and database for AWX-RPM] **** changed: [] => (item=createuser -S awx) changed: [] => (item=createdb -O awx awx) [WARNING]: Module remote_tmp /var/lib/pgsql/.ansible/tmp did not exist and was created with a mode of 0700, this may cause issues when running as another user. To avoid this, create the remote_tmp dir with the correct permissions manually

TASK [awx-rpm : Initialize data in the AWX Database] ***** [WARNING]: Module remote_tmp /var/lib/tower/.ansible/tmp did not exist and was created with a mode of 0700, this may cause issues when running as another user. To avoid this, create the remote_tmp dir with the correct permissions manually changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Fix Podman mapping (1/3)] **** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Fix Podman mapping (2/3)] **** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Fix Podman mapping (3/3)] **** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Initial AWX-RPM Configuration] *** changed: [] => (item=awx-manage createsuperuser --noinput --username=admin --email=root@localhost) changed: [] => (item=awx-manage update_password --username=admin --password=password) changed: [] => (item=awx-manage register_default_execution_environments) changed: [] => (item=awx-manage provision_instance --hostname=$(hostname)) changed: [] => (item=awx-manage register_queue --queuename=tower --hostnames=$(hostname)) changed: [] => (item=awx-manage register_queue --queuename=controlplane --instance_percent=100) changed: [] => (item=awx-manage register_queue --queuename=default --instance_percent=100)

TASK [awx-rpm : Configure Redis Socket] ** changed: []

TASK [awx-rpm : Start and enable services] *** changed: [] => (item=redis.service) changed: [] => (item=nginx.service) failed: [] ( => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "", "msg": "Could not find the requested service host"} changed: [] => (item=awx-daphne.service) changed: [] => (item=awx-receiver.service) changed: [] => (item=awx-receptor.service) changed: [] => (item=awx-web.service) changed: [] => (item=awx-dispatcher.service) changed: [] => (item=awx-receptor-hop.service) changed: [] => (item=awx-receptor-worker.service) changed: [] => (item=awx-wsbroadcast.service)

PLAY RECAP *** : ok=11 changed=10 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

i have tried to install on the cetnos 9

[root@awxtower ansible]# sudo systemctl restart awx-web [root@awxtower ansible]# cat /etc/os-release NAME="CentOS Stream" VERSION="9" ID="centos" ID_LIKE="rhel fedora" VERSION_ID="9" PLATFORM_ID="platform:el9" PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Stream 9" ANSI_COLOR="0;31" LOGO="fedora-logo-icon" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:centos:centos:9" HOME_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION="CentOS Stream" [root@awxtower ansible]#

but the AWX tower is not up,

could you please check where and what we can do

MrMEEE commented 8 months ago

can you show me a status of: systemctl status awx-*

anirudh342 commented 7 months ago

[root@ansible nginx]# systemctl status {awx-daphne.service,awx-receiver.service,awx-receptor.service,awx-web.service,awx-dispatcher.service,awx-receptor-hop.service,awx-receptor-worker.service,awx-wsbroadcast.service} ● awx-daphne.service - AWX daphne service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/awx-daphne.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-11-29 05:51:54 IST; 9min ago Main PID: 10869 (daphne) Tasks: 1 (limit: 23167) Memory: 99.8M CPU: 1.994s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-daphne.service └─10869 /usr/bin/python3 -s /usr/bin/daphne -b -p 8051 --websocket_timeout -1 awx.asgi:channel_lay> Main PID: 10869 (daphne) Tasks: 1 (limit: 23167) Memory: 99.8M CPU: 1.994s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-daphne.service └─10869 /usr/bin/python3 -s /usr/bin/daphne -b -p 8051 --websocket_timeout -1 awx.asgi:channel_lay>

Nov 29 05:51:54 ansible systemd[1]: Started AWX daphne service. Nov 29 05:51:56 ansible daphne[10869]: 2023-11-29 00:21:56,515 INFO Starting server at tcp:port=8051:interface=127.0.> Nov 29 05:51:56 ansible daphne[10869]: 2023-11-29 00:21:56,779 INFO HTTP/2 support not enabled (install the http2 and> Nov 29 05:51:56 ansible daphne[10869]: 2023-11-29 00:21:56,779 INFO Configuring endpoint tcp:port=8051:interface=127.> Nov 29 05:51:56 ansible daphne[10869]: 2023-11-29 00:21:56,780 INFO Listening on TCP address

● awx-receiver.service - AWX receiver service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/awx-receiver.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-11-29 05:51:54 IST; 9min ago Main PID: 10914 (awx-manage) Tasks: 5 (limit: 23167) Memory: 171.1M CPU: 4.110s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-receiver.service ├─10914 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_callback_receiver ├─11050 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_callback_receiver ├─11057 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_callback_receiver ├─11058 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_callback_receiver └─11059 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_callback_receiver

Nov 29 05:51:54 ansible systemd[1]: Started AWX receiver service.

● awx-receptor.service - AWX receptor service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/awx-receptor.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-11-29 05:51:56 IST; 9min ago Main PID: 10962 (receptor) Tasks: 7 (limit: 23167) Memory: 55.1M CPU: 1.493s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-receptor.service └─10962 /usr/bin/receptor -c /etc/receptor/receptor.conf

Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 awx-test: receptor-hop(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 Routing Table: Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 receptor-hop via receptor-hop Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 Known Connections: Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 awx-test: receptor-hop(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 receptor-hop: awx-test(1.00) receptor-1(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 receptor-1: receptor-hop(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 Routing Table: Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 receptor-1 via receptor-hop Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[10962]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 receptor-hop via receptor-hop

● awx-web.service - AWX web service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/awx-web.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-11-29 05:51:57 IST; 9min ago Main PID: 11016 (uwsgi) Tasks: 6 (limit: 23167) Memory: 438.6M CPU: 6.424s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-web.service ├─11016 /usr/bin/uwsgi -b 32768 --socket --module=awx.wsgi:application --home=/ --chdir=/opt/> ├─11017 /usr/bin/uwsgi -b 32768 --socket --module=awx.wsgi:application --home=/ --chdir=/opt/> ├─11020 /usr/bin/uwsgi -b 32768 --socket --module=awx.wsgi:application --home=/ --chdir=/opt/> ├─11021 /usr/bin/uwsgi -b 32768 --socket --module=awx.wsgi:application --home=/ --chdir=/opt/> ├─11022 /usr/bin/uwsgi -b 32768 --socket --module=awx.wsgi:application --home=/ --chdir=/opt/> └─11023 /usr/bin/uwsgi -b 32768 --socket --module=awx.wsgi:application --home=/ --chdir=/opt/>

Nov 29 05:51:57 ansible systemd[1]: Started AWX web service.

● awx-dispatcher.service - AWX Dispatcher Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/awx-dispatcher.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-11-29 05:51:59 IST; 9min ago Main PID: 11070 (awx-manage) Tasks: 16 (limit: 23167) Memory: 214.0M CPU: 7.055s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-dispatcher.service ├─11070 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_dispatcher ├─11177 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_dispatcher ├─11489 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_dispatcher ├─11492 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_dispatcher ├─11529 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_dispatcher └─11533 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_dispatcher

Nov 29 05:51:59 ansible systemd[1]: Started AWX Dispatcher.

● awx-receptor-hop.service - AWX receptor hop service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/awx-receptor-hop.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-11-29 05:52:00 IST; 9min ago Main PID: 11116 (receptor) Tasks: 6 (limit: 23167) Memory: 10.5M CPU: 1.754s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-receptor-hop.service └─11116 /usr/bin/receptor -c /etc/receptor/receptor-hop.conf

Nov 29 05:52:01 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:01 Running control service control Nov 29 05:52:01 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:01 Initialization complete Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 Connection established with receptor-1 Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 Known Connections: Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 receptor-hop: awx-test(1.00) receptor-1(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 awx-test: receptor-hop(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 receptor-1: receptor-hop(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 Routing Table: Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 receptor-1 via receptor-1 Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11116]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 awx-test via awx-test

● awx-receptor-worker.service - AWX receptor worker service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/awx-receptor-worker.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-11-29 05:52:02 IST; 9min ago Main PID: 11169 (receptor) Tasks: 6 (limit: 23167) Memory: 10.2M CPU: 2.247s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-receptor-worker.service └─11169 /usr/bin/receptor -c /etc/receptor/receptor-worker.conf

Nov 29 05:52:02 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:02 receptor-hop via receptor-hop Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 Known Connections: Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 receptor-1: receptor-hop(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 receptor-hop: awx-test(1.00) receptor-1(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 awx-test: receptor-hop(1.00) Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 Routing Table: Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 receptor-hop via receptor-hop Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:03 awx-test via receptor-hop Nov 29 05:52:04 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:04 Running control service control Nov 29 05:52:04 ansible receptor[11169]: INFO 2023/11/29 05:52:04 Initialization complete

● awx-wsbroadcast.service - AWX channels worker service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/awx-wsbroadcast.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-11-29 05:52:03 IST; 9min ago Main PID: 11226 (awx-manage) Tasks: 3 (limit: 23167) Memory: 109.0M CPU: 2.322s CGroup: /system.slice/awx-wsbroadcast.service └─11226 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/awx-manage run_wsbroadcast

Nov 29 05:52:03 ansible systemd[1]: Started AWX channels worker service. [root@ansible nginx]#

anirudh342 commented 7 months ago

[root@ansible ~]# sudo su - awx [awx@ansible ~]$ awx-manage migrate Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: auth, conf, contenttypes, main, oauth2_provider, sessions, sites, social_django, sso, taggit Running migrations: No migrations to apply. [awx@ansible ~]$

MrMEEE commented 6 months ago

Can you please try version 23.5.1?

vineet93ee commented 6 months ago

@anirudh342 Please verify the status of your firewall service, as indicated in the provided logs where it is skipped. Consider temporarily disabling the firewall service, and then attempt to access AWX through your internet browser.

MrMEEE commented 5 months ago

@anirudh342 Please retest with latest release.. reopen, if the issue persists