MrMEEE / ironhide

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Asus U36S problem since last update #188

Open PhilippeRaven opened 12 years ago

PhilippeRaven commented 12 years ago

Hello, I'm currently using Ironhide on an Asus U36S with Ubuntu 11.10 since few weeks, but the last update from ppa (1.0-1~oneiricubuntu40) make ironhide not working anymore.

To be exact, I can see glxgears while running ironhide-configuration, but it's running on the Intel chip, not on the Nvidia card. I tried differents scripts from /usr/share/ironhide/examples, some can load the card, but whatever, when I launch glxgears or any 3D software via optirun, it use the Intel card. (with glxgears, it's clear because of a result of only 60FPS, and for 3D software, I've got some errors in the shell).

Last thing, before this update, when I launched a software with optirun, it was printing that it started to activate the nvidia card successfully, and now, no more.

Which informations can I give to you to find the source of the problem ?

Thanks for your help !


PhilippeRaven commented 12 years ago

Note : I just submitted the bug via ironhide-bugreport.

thistle-zz commented 12 years ago

I experienced the same problem.

At initial install ironhide worked perfectly with no configuration. After update ironhide-configuration ran and ironhide stopped working.

If I open a terminal and run ironhide-configuration a notification is presented starting that root access is needed. After running "sudo ironhide-configuration" the configuration gui launches. After downloading the configuration templates, the download window does not close but the application to run. After selecting the recommended configuration, glxgears launches and runs at ~780FPS. When ironhide-configuration completes, the download window is stuck open and will not close without killing it.

After completing ironhide-configuration and rebooting, I can not login to the gui with the error Could not update ICEauthority file ..... During the running of "sudo ironhide-configuration" several .files are created with the user and group of root as well as several directories and files in /tmp. If the /tmp directories are rm -rf ed, and the ownership of the home directory files are changed back to the user, I can login.

After completing the ironhide-configuration process and getting login working again, glxgears now runs at ~60FPS so the nvidia card is no longer working.

Lekensteyn commented 12 years ago

Try Bumblebee as described in (for upgrading, see