MrMEEE / ironhide

Optimus Support for Linux Through VirtualGL - PPA version also available:
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Blank screen after installing and configuring ironhide (dell xps l502x) #190

Open hdpq opened 12 years ago

hdpq commented 12 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to get Ironhide to work on a new Dell XPS 15 L502x laptop with nVidia GF GT 540M. I've downloaded Ironhide via the Oneiric PPA, installed it and ran sudo ironhide-configuration After some trial and error (reboots, rm /usr/local/bin/ironhide or something like that, re-runs of ironhide-configuration) I've managed to get the tests to work (It was Marvin E Budd configuration, if I remember correctly) and the glxgears showed up during both tests. I considered that a successful result and rebooted. However, during the next boot I got a blank screen - in grub I chose the suggested entry (the most recent kernel) and it started loading, then the ubuntu logo came up for like 0.5s and the screen turned blank. This now happens every time for every kernel (even the older ones) so my Ubuntu installation is unusable (the recovery console is still accessible, though). Luckily I can still boot to win7. This is the first time I've dealt with hybrid video cards, so please bear with me. Help would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time and please let me know if I can provide more information about the issue.

hdpq commented 12 years ago

A minor update. I was too impatient to wait for a reply, so I reinstalled Oneiric and Ironhide too. Managed to set up Ironhide with Marvin E Budd config (tests ok, glxgears ran with ~260 fps) but then had the "FATAL: Error inserting nvidia_current ...: No such device" problem. Fixed it by setting "Always enable the nVidia card before disabling" to 0 (as pointed here ).

So now i can successfully run ironhide-enablecard and ironhide-disablecard, optirun and stuff. But then I tried to launch Neverball to check the performance and it was poor. Then I tried launching it from terminal with "optirun neverball" and it was also poor. I thought it might be Compiz interfering, so I tried it under Gnome Shell - low fps as well. What am I doing wrong?

hdpq commented 12 years ago

Ok another update... I now have a working Natty installation with a configured Ironhide (Marvin E Budd configuration) and I noticed that the so-called "poor performance" in Neverball was caused by screen tearing (for some reason I couldn't enable "Sync To VBlank" in Ironhide-settings > Nvidia-settings > OpenGL). Is there a way to fix this?