MrMEEE / ironhide

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nvidia: no such device #217

Open svenser opened 12 years ago

csaba2000 commented 12 years ago

if you don't provide any useful info how can we you?...

svenser commented 12 years ago

I debugged ironhide and used the ticketnumber I opened here but somehow nothing usefull seemed to happen with it or I did something really messed up. :)

My problem is this: I moved from 10.10 to 11.04 hoping ironhide would work because all the tests failed. 11.04 looked so ugly I moved to 11.10 immediately. Initial tests always fail, every single time at configuration. Most of the time the powertest gives me an okay. Also the enable and disable script has worked once or twice but most of the time it complains about: "error inserting nvidia_current ... : no such device" and when I check this location indeed, nvidia is nowhere to be found. At this moment enable and disablescripts give no errors but they will do that probably in half an hour or so, it doesn't even need a reboot for that. So basically the 2 initial script always fail and half of the time I get the common known "no device errors". If someone could tell me how, I will run the debug script again and post it here.

svenser commented 12 years ago

sudo ironhide-disablecard And it just stopped working again so here the errors:

ERROR: Module nvidia does not exist in /proc/modules NVOP Disabling nVidia Card Succeded. _PS3 Disabling nVidia Card Succeded. sudo ironhide-enablecard _PS0 Enabling nVidia Card Succeded. FATAL: Error inserting nvidia_current (/lib/modules/3.0.0-14-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_current.ko): No such device

csaba2000 commented 12 years ago

It seems nvidia card doesn't get enabled properly because nvidia driver doesn't detect the card ...

svenser commented 12 years ago

And what can I do about this?

Brog33 commented 12 years ago

I am experiencing the same problem. FATAL: Error inserting nvidia_current (/lib/modules/3.0.0-14-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_current.ko): No such device

The drivers worked fine when I first set up Ironhide on a clean 11.10 install, but after I installed a couple of games to try it out, it got "broken".

Brog33 commented 12 years ago

Ah, well, it seems to work again now that I removed /etc/pm/power.d/ironhide-disablecard-on-powerup and did a reboot.

svenser commented 12 years ago

Just made the bugreport and it uploaded were is it? :s

Lekensteyn commented 12 years ago

Classic error, it's due to the broken ACPI call scripts provided by Ironhide.

Try Bumblebee as described in (for upgrading, see