MrNavaStar / InvSync

This is a fabric mod for syncing inventories and player data between all of your minecraft servers! (Or as many as you choose :blush:)
MIT License
32 stars 15 forks source link

1.20.1 Support please #65

Open 5ur3z opened 1 year ago

5ur3z commented 1 year ago

1.20.1 Support please!

MrNavaStar commented 1 year ago

It's being worked on! I have been pressed for time lately, sorry!

Libreh commented 1 year ago

Any progress?

MrNavaStar commented 1 year ago

I have a build for 1.20, its buggy. I also dont think data from old versions will be ported... not sure if I really want to implement a migration system

xPand4B commented 1 year ago

Hello, are there any known updates for the 1.20.* update? I'd love to put this on our server network! ❤️

@MrNavaStar Do you need some coding support?

MrNavaStar commented 1 year ago

@xPand4B I do have a build that can be tested, I can send that over later today (if your willing to test). Mainly just been struggling to find time to work on this with school and life.

xPand4B commented 1 year ago

Sure, you can send me the test build, I'm happy to help today after work!

You can add me on Discord and we can discuss what's already implemented and what you want to test :)

Here's my profile link:

MrNavaStar commented 10 months ago

Sorry for the long wait everyone, I haven't had the time nor motivation to spend the large amount of work this rather legacy code needs to be maintainable for the future. For the time being Invsync probably won't be updated anymore.

However! I do not wish to leave your servers un-synced, and I am currently working on a full rewrite of the project that integrates with the velocity server proxy. This should remove the need for databases altogether and greatly simplify the configuration of the mod (also no more broken data between mod updates). I appreciate your patience.

If any programmers are interested in helping out, please email me at


windy664 commented 7 months ago

So is this the update stop? /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

needs 1.20.1 , too

MrNavaStar commented 7 months ago

Working on a replacement project. Currently writing the back end, progress is here

Rozbiynk commented 1 month ago

hi, is same applies to 1.21?

MrNavaStar commented 1 week ago

Working on a replacement project, please see my discord server for more information