MrNeRF / awesome-3D-gaussian-splatting

Curated list of papers and resources focused on 3D Gaussian Splatting, intended to keep pace with the anticipated surge of research in the coming months.
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(not issue, sharing) generalized visual quality optimzation (updating ...) #118

Open yuedajiong opened 1 month ago

yuedajiong commented 1 month ago

updating ... (I will close or delete this issue once I stop updating) Your feedback is welcomed as I acknowledge my limitations.

Current topic, 'generalized visual quality':

  1. Once you have identified the main challenges of your paper (such as single-view/image, camera-pose-free, dynamic, ...), or once you intend to offer the reconstructed/generated output as a commercial product, you will immediately encounter the primary issue of "generalized visual quality." (SO FAR, NO PAPER CAN DO. JUST TOY OR BIGGER TOY.)
  2. Therefore, I am leveraging my limited understanding to attempt an analysis of all the technical aspects related to "generalized visual quality" and gathering relevant papers.

Next topic, I will focus on 'fucking limited resource':

  1. single beggar's GPU for train and infer (dataset: objvase-level 3d objects + internet-level 2d images)
  2. diff hash based priori (incremental)
  3. diff compressed GS respresentation
  4. pre-computed image features (eg. features on rendered objvase )
  5. ...