Closed MrPiada closed 1 year ago
For the information formatting.
from tabulate import tabulate
data = [
["Elapsed time", "1m49s"],
["Ply", "10"],
["Move", "c7c5"],
["Move freq", "3%"],
["#Games", "395"],
["EngineEval", "0.89"],
["MoveScore", "62/3/34"]
table = tabulate(data, tablefmt="plain")
print(table) Would be great if the "Move" field could be expressed in "standard" #notation.
Example of the actual output:
TODO list:
[x] Move the first line on the right of the board and format it in a kind of tabula way with label. Something like (but with the correct tabulation:
[x] Add couple of empty columns on the left of the print string
[ ] Add (if possibile) the number of "open nodes" still to be investigated
[x] Generalize the function
to align several multi-line strings (eg. board + info)