MrPowerScripts / reddit-karma-farming-bot

"Is karma really that important to you? Damn bro, you need a life" - YouTube Comment
MIT License
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HTTP Error 429: To Many Request #180

Closed darkdevelopers closed 2 years ago

darkdevelopers commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, i have a little problem. How can i fix the error HTTP Error 429 Message?

Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-17 um 09 49 34

darkdevelopers commented 2 years ago

Ok i found the code is not working correct. File: src/ search for the method check_internet. def check_internet(host="", timeout=5): this line is not working for me. When i use curl on reddit, i need a user agent. To check the internet i changed the reddit url to google.