MrPowerScripts / reddit-karma-farming-bot

"Is karma really that important to you? Damn bro, you need a life" - YouTube Comment
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requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL '': No scheme supplied. Perhaps you meant http://? #217

Open hamzaaitbrik opened 1 year ago

hamzaaitbrik commented 1 year ago

this error occurs when the bot is searching for a post to re-post. any solutions to this? I should also add up that I'm running the bot on Linux shell.

toukcrew commented 1 year ago

Hey did you find a solution? Having same error :/

0x17d9ef78 commented 1 year ago

Same here

hamzaaitbrik commented 1 year ago

Hey did you find a solution? Having same error :/

Indeed I have developed a solution to run the script while I'm away. But, it's just a "fix" that reruns the script whenever it stops.

0x17d9ef78 commented 1 year ago

Hey did you find a solution? Having same error :/

Indeed I have developed a solution to run the script while I'm away. But, it's just a "fix" that reruns the script whenever it stops.

Can you share? Usually using forever for node, what are you using in this case?

VespidEmperor commented 1 year ago

Hey did you find a solution? Having same error :/

Indeed I have developed a solution to run the script while I'm away. But, it's just a "fix" that reruns the script whenever it stops.

Mine crashes frequently and I cannot restart every 5 minutes, would you mind sharing the script that reruns whenever it crashes? Would be muchly appreciated!

hamzaaitbrik commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply. Here's the code I used to run the script infinitely:

import os
while(os.system('sh') == 0):

That's it. Note that you're gonna need super user priveleges in order to run each time, I counter this by running the python script I attached in a Terminal window that has sudo su command already executed. @VespidEmperor @0x17d9ef78

VespidEmperor commented 1 year ago

I do not run on Linux. I am a Windows normie sorry. Is there a way to turn into a python script or a bat file that can just run on my PC then close when done?

hamzaaitbrik commented 1 year ago

@VespidEmperor I think the script I provided will work for Windows as it does for Linux, simply because Python works on Windows too. What might cause you some trouble is super user privileges, but I really doubt you'll find any trouble since it's Windows... Just replace the sh with the command you use for Windows. Make sure you open PowerShell/CMD as administrator.

de-y commented 1 year ago

My bandaid solution was to just replace the segment where requests is being used and then add https:// at the start before the variable for the rest of the URL.

hamzaaitbrik commented 1 year ago

@De-y that's an interesting fix. Mine is what a bandaid looks like; it just reruns the script whenever it fails...endlessly. Thanks for your contribution.