MrS0m30n3 / youtube-dl-gui

A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
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UI changes #131

Closed MrS0m30n3 closed 7 years ago

MrS0m30n3 commented 7 years ago

From @eliluminado on Jun 19 2016

I thought about making a new configuration window to discard the current multiple tabs, by a slightly more modern like this.

Any suggestions?


Original issue:

philipzae commented 7 years ago

Glad to be of help @MrS0m30n3 and glad that it has come to fruition, as i've wanted a great youtube downloader gui for linux since i moved from windows and ytd.

MrS0m30n3 commented 7 years ago


On the next days i'm going to add the labels back to gettext and update the translation files. If you find any bugs with the new UI please report them here.

I'm going to close this issue and merge back to master as soon as i'm done with the translations.