MrS0m30n3 / youtube-dl-gui

A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
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Error compiling from source #334

Open firestar9114 opened 5 years ago

firestar9114 commented 5 years ago

Please follow the guide below


All invalid issues will be rejected!!

Before going further

What is the purpose of your issue?

Please remove any sections between (---) if they are not related to your issue

Bug report

If the problem occurs when downloading a URL please provide the full verbose output as follows:

  1. Restart youtube-dl-gui
  2. Go to Options > Extra tab
  3. Enable Debug youtube-dl
  4. Go to Options > Advanced tab and Clear your log content
  5. Try to download the URL
  6. Copy the whole log content and insert it between the ``` part below
delete me and insert your log content here

What operating system do you use ?

Manjaro Linux

List of actions to perform to reproduce the problem:

  1. Download and extract the source code
  2. run "python install" from the installed folder location in the terminal
  3. Get the following output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 69, in <module>
    from youtube_dl_gui import (
  File "/home/anonymous/Programs/youtube-dl-gui-0.4/youtube_dl_gui/", line 25
    print error
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(error)?

I also tried the pip install and got the same message.

What is the expected behavior ?

I think it should compile and install

What happens instead ?

There appears to be a bug when attempting to compile

I can't install this program on my computer due to this issue at compilation. It looks like it might simply be an issue of missing parenthesis according to the compiler error, so my suggested issue would be to try adding those in first. I'm relatively new to Linux and not very savvy with the OS or python, but generally when I see an issue like that in c, c++, or c# debugging I just add the syntax and it works(semi-colons are the bane of my existence over in "C-land") but I loved this program back on windows, and it would be a shame if I can't get it working on Linux. Hopefully this is a simple fix? Thanks for taking the time to look into this.


nodiscc commented 5 years ago

Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(error)? python install

This is probably because the default python interpreter on Manjaro is python3, while youtube-dl-gui and its are python2. You can make sure of this by entering python --version

If python3 is the default, try to run python2 install or type python<TAB><TAB> to see available python interpreters on your machine.