MrSamuelStreamer / Rimworld-Ragnarok

A Rimworld End of the World Mod
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

End goal? #3

Open MrSamuelStreamer opened 3 weeks ago

MrSamuelStreamer commented 3 weeks ago

Given that's Ragnarok, maybe ending the world should actually be the ultimate goal? Allow the world to be reborn or something like that?

Masterofworlds22 commented 3 weeks ago

I think archonexus would be an appropriate way to go about this. Darkotech has completely consumed this planet and your faction is the only one left that can re-establish control of the 'good' archotechs. It can be edited as to fit the theme of ragnarok, where instead of the archotechs lettings you join them, they just annihilate the planet. Or maybe they let you join them anyways since you showed a level of devotion.