MrStahlfelge / gdx-gamesvcs

Easy integration of gameservices in your libGDX game: Google Play Games, Apple Game Center, Amazon GameCircle and more
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Google Play Services has stopped #20

Closed gaetandezeiraud closed 6 years ago

gaetandezeiraud commented 6 years ago

Hi, First thanks for your very good jobs about gdx-gamesvcs! I need to implement Google Play Services in my libgdx project but, i have an error. When the user click on the button, the Google UI appear with animation and when the loading show up i have a popup with this error "Google Play Services has stopped" and after "the application is having problems ...". After this, the app return always isConnectionPending() equal true.

I saw your code example here, and my code it almost the same (just, in AndroidLauncher i don't have mapToGsId and @override things because GpgsMappers doesn't exist in the last version of gdx-gamesvcs).

So, of course, i watched on the Google Play Console my configuration. But, i don't know where I could have a configuration problem. My app is in Beta only and i ticked in the game service configuration "allow Alpha & Beta users". I tested with release signed apk and link (associated application) my service with my app in Play Console and app_id is defined. I don't understand ...

The problem is present on all devices that have the game. You have an idea?

Thank you for your answer, have a nice day.

MrStahlfelge commented 6 years ago

If the Play services are crashing and not your game, you probably did everything right.

I also had this problem once, and it was solved the next day by doing nothing, so I guess it was some kind of caching problem the Play services had.

Does my game Falling Lightblocks (install from the Play Store) works with GPGS on your test devices?

gaetandezeiraud commented 6 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your awnser! You have maybe right, I will wait a few days to see and if not I would advise re-create an entire project on Google Play and code for make more test.

But your game run perfectly, Falling Lightblocks, so maybe a caching problem. I'll let you know about the progress.

gaetandezeiraud commented 6 years ago

Hi, The problem persist, so I will not do the integration of the google service in my game. Thank you for your reply.

MrStahlfelge commented 6 years ago

Sorry to hear that. Then I will close this issue.