MrStahlfelge / gdx-gamesvcs

Easy integration of gameservices in your libGDX game: Google Play Games, Apple Game Center, Amazon GameCircle and more
Apache License 2.0
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Possibility to fetch leader board entries and achievements status #4

Closed MrStahlfelge closed 7 years ago

MrStahlfelge commented 7 years ago

At the moment, it is only possible to show achievements status and leader board entries via showLeaderboard or showAchievements if the game service provides an own interface.

Methods for fetching this data are needed in the core interface and implementations in the game service clients.

MrStahlfelge commented 7 years ago

Added to core. Must be implemented for Kong (only leaderboards), GameJolt, GPGS and GameCircle.

MrStahlfelge commented 7 years ago

Core enhancement is done. New issues for the implementing clients are opened.