MrStahlfelge / gdx-gamesvcs

Easy integration of gameservices in your libGDX game: Google Play Games, Apple Game Center, Amazon GameCircle and more
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ERROR while show leaderboards #50

Closed hdls19 closed 2 years ago

hdls19 commented 2 years ago


First, thanks for the your work

I'm using your library in my game and getting an error when I call the gsClient.showLeaderboards() method


The code i am using in AndroidLauncher:

public class AndroidLauncher extends AndroidApplication {

    private GpgsClient gpgsClient;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        AsteroidBustersXGame game = new AsteroidBustersXGame();

        this.gpgsClient = new GpgsClient()
                .setGpgsLeaderboardIdMapper(new IGameServiceIdMapper<String>() {

                    public String mapToGsId(String independantId) {
                        return GpgsMappers.mapToGpgsLeaderboard(independantId);
                .initialize(this, false);
        game.gsClient = gpgsClient;

        AndroidApplicationConfiguration config = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
        config.useAccelerometer = false;
        config.useCompass = false;
        config.useImmersiveMode = true;
        initialize(game, config);

Main Game Class create() method:

if (gsClient == null) {"GS_CLIENT", "GsClient is null");
    gsClient = new MockGameServiceClient(1) {
        protected Array<ILeaderBoardEntry> getLeaderboardEntries() {
            return null;

        protected Array<String> getGameStates() {
            return null;

        protected byte[] getGameState() {
            return new byte[0];

        protected Array<IAchievement> getAchievements() {
            return null;

        protected String getPlayerName() {
            return null;
}"GS_CLIENT", "GsClient set listener");

//My game initialization"GS_CLIENT", "GsClient resume session");

Where I call showLeaderboards() method:

highscoresButton = new ImageButton(highscoresStyle);
highscoresButton.addListener(new ClickListener() {

    public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
        try {
        catch (GameServiceException e) {
  "GS_CLIENT", "Failed to show leaderboards", e);

GpgsMappers class:

public class GpgsMappers {

    public static String mapToGpgsLeaderboard(String leaderboardId) {
        String gpgsId = null;

        if (leaderboardId != null) {
            if (leaderboardId.equals(AsteroidBustersXGame.LEADERBOARD1))
                gpgsId = "CgkIjOjVy8gdEAIQAQ";

        return gpgsId;

I also have a version of gdx 1.10.0, in the example its - 1.9.8. Most likely the problem is somewhere else.

Authorization passes - a welcome gpgs popup window appears with my username, but when click 'Highscores' it's load gpgs highscores page, but loading is freezing

Thanks in advance

hdls19 commented 2 years ago

I also get error when call fetchLeaderboardEntries() method: image

MrStahlfelge commented 2 years ago

You will get this error on every call. You need to do what the error tells you: link your app in the Play Games dev console.

hdls19 commented 2 years ago

I have already registered metadata app_id in AndroidManifest.xml image

which matches with OAuth 2.0 Client IDs on Google Cloud Platform image

Please tell me what else should I do?

MrStahlfelge commented 2 years ago

Google Play Games is different to set up.

hdls19 commented 2 years ago

I found out what the reason was - in my console in Play Games Services > Setup and Management > Configuration was only 1 credentials for release. When add debug credentials - then everything worked