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MRTJP Core causes Twilight Forest Crash #12

Closed Zilacon closed 6 years ago

Zilacon commented 8 years ago

I tried to reproduce this without mrtjpcore mod and it did not crash at all. Basically whenever you enter an area that has a twilight forest biome that has not generated yet this happens.

A fix for this would be nice, thanks.

brucethemoose commented 8 years ago

Just got this same crash on a server, twice:

covers1624 commented 6 years ago

Closing because this is ancient, Also this appears to be MrTJPCore inadvertently causing chunks that don't exist to load and generate around a block the tick handler was watching.

Zilacon commented 6 years ago

Took 3 years for you to reply, only to give no solutions. (slow clap)

covers1624 commented 6 years ago

Tj was busy with large amounts of university work, by the time i was around to help it was the 1.10 port, and 1.7 wasn't supported anymore. There is a solution, don't use 1.7 anymore. We all have lives outside modding, and in Tj's case, Education was more important. I literally only just got around to clearing the issues out, because i have a life outside modding too.