MrTJP / ProjectRed

Redstone Engineering
MIT License
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Volcanos generate in custom dimensions (and may freeze the server) #72

Closed izstas closed 10 years ago

izstas commented 10 years ago

Volcanos generate in the Nether with Biomes O' Plenty installed (a lot of them, since the Nether is full of lava), and sometimes it causes server freeze for a relatively significant amount of time (enough to time out all connected players), and if I get Java thread dump, I see:

"Server thread" prio=6 tid=0x0000000013058800 nid=0x1ac8 runnable [0x000000001ac6e000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
    at mrtjp.projectred.exploration.GeneratorVolcano.func_76484_a(
MrTJP commented 10 years ago

World gen can't run in the nether. Unless you have another mod messing with nether worldgen, its not on my end. The very first thing the generator does is checks if its in the nether and returns.

izstas commented 10 years ago

Well, I do indeed have Biomes O' Plenty which replaces chunk provider. The check you have will probably generate volcanos in Twilight Forest and all Mystcraft ages too. I think checking dimension ID would not be a terrible idea.

Edited the issue title.

izstas commented 10 years ago

My thought are:

MrTJP commented 10 years ago

Volcanoes are now restricted to ID 0 and >1, and non hell biomes. Mystcraft api is not open to the public.

killjoy1221 commented 10 years ago

This issue also occurs with Natura when it overrides the nether worldgen. Disabling volcanoes or nethergen fixes it.