MrTarantula / WIPrint

Print work items from nearly anywhere you can see them in TFS and VSTS.
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Field picker doesn't scroll to newly moved field #11

Open jeffyoungstrom opened 6 years ago

jeffyoungstrom commented 6 years ago

When I move a field from the full list to the selected list when the selected list has a scroll bar, the new field always shows up below the viewport and I have to scroll to display it so I can confirm it appeared or move it up in the list. It would be nice if the selected list automatically scrolled to display the newly-added item.

MrTarantula commented 6 years ago

I think I can do this pretty easily. Might be a bit before I have some time to devote to all these improvements.

MrTarantula commented 6 years ago

Initial version of this is implemented in v2.0.3. I'm not super happy with some of the behavior but I'm a perfectionist. It should be fine for most users.