MrTarantula / WIPrint

Print work items from nearly anywhere you can see them in TFS and VSTS.
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Azure DevOps - Field Picker #38

Open jennymostert opened 4 years ago

jennymostert commented 4 years ago

Hi Ryan,

On the extension installation page, the first screenshot shows where you can choose what fields to print. I'm in Azure DevOps, and I'm not able to find a similar screen to this. Can you point me in the right direction?

Thank you, and also thank you for creating this extension. It is really helpful.

All the best, Jenny

MrTarantula commented 4 years ago

It should be under Boards:


jennymostert commented 4 years ago

Oh ok, Thank you! I was looking under organization settings. :) I appreciate the quick response.

MrTarantula commented 4 years ago

I think I originally had it somewhere in the project or admin settings section so only authorized users or admins could set it up, but several people requested per-user configs, so I believe Boards was the best choice.

jennymostert commented 4 years ago

That makes sense to me. Thanks again!

jennymostert commented 4 years ago

Annotation 2019-11-26 152047 The arrow buttons show as boxes in my version of Google Chrome. See screenshot above. Google Chrome version details below:

Annotation 2019-11-26 152047

MrTarantula commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. The extension is terribly out of date. It needs an overhaul. I guess they stopped using the icon set I was using. For reference, here is what the buttons should look like, so you know what they do:


jennymostert commented 4 years ago

Ok, no worries. I was able to add the fields, and print the work item. I love Azure more and more every day. :) Especially, when someone brings you an issue, and within an hour it's solved and shared to the masses. Have a great evening!

mradckeIRT commented 4 years ago

We would also appreciate seeing the arrow icons again. Thank you for considering an update for this. And thank you in general for the great extension!