MrThearMan / graphene-django-query-optimizer

Automatically optimize SQL queries in Graphene-Django schemas.
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Custom top level fields on relay nodes are finnicky #72

Closed rsomani95 closed 6 months ago

rsomani95 commented 6 months ago

I have read the docs thoroughly before making this bug report.

I have read through other open issues, and my issue is not a duplicate.

What version of the library you are using?


Which python version are you using?


What operating system are you on?



Inspired by this comment, I was leveraging a custom Connection class to get the total count and edge count of any relay node being queried in the following manner:

class CustomConnection(Connection):
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

    total_count = graphene.Int()
    edge_count = graphene.Int()

    def resolve_total_count(root, info, **kwargs):
        return root.length

    def resolve_edge_count(root, info, **kwargs):
        return len(root.edges)

class CustomDjangoObjectType(DjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

    def __init_subclass_with_meta__(cls, connection_class=CustomConnection, **options):
        Allows for the use of a base meta class.

        See: # noqa
            connection_class=connection_class, **options

Then, given the node inherits CustomDjangoObjectType, I was able to do:

  allSegments {
    edges {
      node {

This used to work with version 0.1.11, but doesn't since 0.2.0. I believe this is because of how _get_arguments works where there's a fair assumption that we have to go deeper to get the actual fields of a relay node.

When I run the above query, I get the following error:

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'selections'

which steps from this line:

Interestingly, if I write the query this way:

  allSegments {
    edges {
      node {

I do not have an issue.

However, if I try this, I still run into the same bug:

  allSegments {

I'm not tied to using the CustomConnection mechanism, but it's very helpful to have a totalCount and edgeCount as top level fields on the nodes. Would it be possible to add back support for this, or some other mechanism to achieve the same?

rsomani95 commented 6 months ago

The workaround is to always query for at least one attr, and only include totalCount and edgeCount at the bottom. Specifically, something like:

  customObjects {
    edges {
      node {
MrThearMan commented 6 months ago

We use total_count as well, but have always included it after edges, so we never noticed. We've also noticed that the filter processing doesn't account for fragments, unlike the optimization compiler, so there is some improvement I need to do for that as well. Will start working on this next.

MrThearMan commented 6 months ago

Fixed this and another bug I found related to selecting cursor before node in edges (caused optimization to stop prematurely), and added support for finding filters from fragments. Released in 0.2.5.

rsomani95 commented 6 months ago

@MrThearMan I believe there's still a bug with this on nested relay fields.

With this setup given the latest 0.2.5 release:

class PropertyManagerNode(IsTypeOfProxyPatch, DjangoObjectType):
    housing_companies = DjangoConnectionField(HousingCompanyNode)

    class Meta:
        model = PropertyManagerProxy
        interfaces = (relay.Node,)
        filterset_class = PropertyManagerFilterSet
        connection_class = CustomConnection

class HousingCompanyNode(IsTypeOfProxyPatch, DjangoObjectType):
    real_estates = DjangoConnectionField(RealEstateNode)

    class Meta:
        model = HousingCompanyProxy
        interfaces = (relay.Node,)
        filterset_class = HousingCompanyFilterSet
        connection_class = CustomConnection

The totalCount is incorrect for nested fields. Here's how I tested this. First, I run this query:

  pagedPropertyManagers {
    edges {
      node {
        housingCompanies {
          edges {
            node {

For which, here are the first node's results:

  "data": {
    "pagedPropertyManagers": {
      "totalCount": 10,
      "edgeCount": 10,
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "id": "UHJvcGVydHlNYW5hZ2VyTm9kZTo1",
            "housingCompanies": {
              "totalCount": 2,
              "edgeCount": 2,
              "edges": [
                  "node": {
                    "id": "SG91c2luZ0NvbXBhbnlOb2RlOjU="
                  "node": {
                    "id": "SG91c2luZ0NvbXBhbnlOb2RlOjE1"

Now, if I change the query to:

  pagedPropertyManagers {
    edges {
      node {
        housingCompanies(first: 1) {
          edges {
            node {

The totalCount on the housingCompanies node should still show 2 (as that is indeed the total count as seen above), but it shows as 1, which is the edge count. This is not a filtering issue. In my own project, I have totalCount on my nested fields that are greater than the relay max page size, but the displayed totalCount is the same as the edgeCount.

MrThearMan commented 6 months ago

This is related to how nested relay fields are limited. In the connection field, we do queryset.count() before limiting, but for prefetched rows, the windowing function is applied to the queryset during optimization, and when we get to that objects connection field, queryset.count() will use the result_cache, which is now same as edge count. We would need to annotate the pre-windowed count to each row and pick that out if it exists in the connection field. I'll see if that's doable.

MrThearMan commented 6 months ago

Ok, I managed to add a way to annotate the pre-windowed queryset count to the models in the prefetched querysets. The connection field will use this value if it's found instead of queryset.count().

One slight annoyance in the implementation was that I needed to use a subquery, since a regular Count aggregate would be limited by the window function. Also, we only need the value once, but the prefetched queryset will contain it for all returned models (and we then use it from the first one). At most, the subquery happens for RELAY_CONNECTION_MAX_LIMIT number of rows, and I'm not sure if or how databases will optimize this. In any case, we cannot add a queryset.count() outside of the prefetch, since that would result in N additional queries. Hopefully this is optimal enough. Released in 0.2.6.

rsomani95 commented 6 months ago

Thanks, that's interesting. I was able to verify that this works. Worth noting that though the no. of SQL queries are the same, the SQL time before the fix was ~40ms, where after is ~200ms. But as you say, this is just the cost of work being done.

Worth noting: the query takes longer even if totalCount is not being queried for (maybe that's scope for future optimisation?)

Sharing the below for completeness / reference:

I'm using a postgresql DB, and the here are the queries generated before vs. after:


SELECT "col1",
        FROM   (SELECT "segment"."id"                               AS
                       "segment"."asset"                   AS
                         over (
                           PARTITION BY "segment"."asset") AS
                FROM   "segment"
                WHERE  "segment"."asset" IN (
                               '194eec67-9d09-442e-892a-285f6a0a28ac' :: uuid,
                               '2d0718e5-3667-4e4d-9252-c15857c0c593' :: uuid,
                               'dd7787b2-7e6d-43c4-a729-56101c8d0fee' :: uuid,
                               '930dfa25-9be5-448d-ab5d-05aae3736dc9' :: uuid ))
        WHERE  ( "qual0" >= 0
                 AND "qual0" <= 100 )) "qualify_mask" 


SELECT "col1",
        FROM   (SELECT "segment"."id"                               AS
                       "segment"."video_asset_id"                   AS
                       (SELECT Count(*)
                        FROM   (SELECT U0."id",
                                FROM   "segment" U0
                                WHERE  U0."asset" = (
                                       "segment"."asset" ))
                               _count)                                      AS
                         over (
                           PARTITION BY "segment"."asset") AS
                FROM   "segment"
                WHERE  "segment"."asset" IN (
                               '194eec67-9d09-442e-892a-285f6a0a28ac' :: uuid,
                               '2d0718e5-3667-4e4d-9252-c15857c0c593' :: uuid,
                               'dd7787b2-7e6d-43c4-a729-56101c8d0fee' :: uuid,
                               '930dfa25-9be5-448d-ab5d-05aae3736dc9' :: uuid ))
        WHERE  ( "qual0" >= 0
                 AND "qual0" <= 100 )) "qualify_mask" 
MrThearMan commented 6 months ago

5x slowdown on all queries is definitely enough to warrant further optimization, as I already see this as an uncommon use case.

A small issue is that I would need to make a configuration for indicating which field on the connection is for totalCount, and make the optimization based on that, and if the field is not selected, then connection.lenght could be different. I think this should be an OK compromise.

rsomani95 commented 6 months ago

Makes sense. I think that's a totally reasonable compromise!

MrThearMan commented 6 months ago

Added a setting called TOTAL_COUNT_FIELD, which is totalCount by default, and can be used to point the field on the connection field that needs information from connection.length. If this field is selected in the query, the optimizer will add the subquery annotation for fetching correct total count, otherwise it will skip this for better performance. Released on 0.2.7.