MrYsLab / pymata-aio

This is the second generation PyMata client.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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V2.2 - v2.4 broke teensy3.x support #27

Closed mnapolitano89 closed 8 years ago

mnapolitano89 commented 8 years ago

Error is:

Using COM Port:/dev/tty.usbmodem1053091

Initializing Arduino - Please wait... * Analog map retrieval timed out. *

Do you have Arduino connectivity and do you have a Firmata sketch uploaded to the board?

This is resolved by: specifying com_port, which promptly causes the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/Users/mnapolitano/PycharmProjects/michaels_random_py/", line 5, in board = PyMata3(arduino_wait=5, com_port='/dev/cu.usbmodem1053091') File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pymata_aio/", line 56, in init com_port, ip_address, ip_port, ip_handshake) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pymata_aio/", line 214, in init self.ip_address + ':' + str(self.ip_port)) TypeError: Can't convert 'NoneType' object to str implicitly )

Commenting out ip support in pymata_core start() and setting the first if clause to always false allows for proper recognition

I believe the underlying issue to be here: else: if self.log_output: log_string = 'Using Ip Address/Port: ' + self.ip_address +\ ':' + str(ip_port) else: print('Using Ip Address/Port: ' + self.ip_address + ':' + str(self.ip_port)) should probably be: else: if self.log_output: log_string = 'Using Ip Address/Port: ' + self.ip_address +\ ':' + str(ip_port) elif self.ip_address is not None: print('Using Ip Address/Port: ' + self.ip_address + ':' + str(self.ip_port))

to stop that particular exception from messing things up

Why this is only the case for teensy and not for any of the others I don't know. Maybe because it's cu.XXXX not tty.XXXX?

MrYsLab commented 8 years ago

@mnapolitano89 Thanks for letting me know about this. I found the bug when inputting a fixed com port. At about line 207 (v2.4) of, I changed

        if self.com_port is None and self.ip_address is None:
            self.com_port = self._discover_port()
            if self.log_output:
                log_string = 'Using Ip Address/Port: ' + self.ip_address +\
                    ':' + str(ip_port)


        if self.com_port is None and self.ip_address is None:
            self.com_port = self._discover_port()
        elif self.ip_address is not None:
            if self.log_output:
                log_string = 'Using Ip Address/Port: ' + self.ip_address +\
                    ':' + str(ip_port)

I will see if I can add some code to not only look for tty.X but also cu.X automatically. I will let you know when I have something available. If you could test it for me (I don't own a Mac) that would be great.


MrYsLab commented 8 years ago

@mnapolitano89 Looking through my old notes for this issue, I had modeled my auto discovery on what the node guys are doing. Not knowing if I add cu.XXXX into the mix will open up a whole new set of issues, I prefer to leave auto discovery as is, and just fix the bug as shown above. What are your thoughts?

mnapolitano89 commented 8 years ago

I think that's a good idea, no sense adding more problems to the mix. The workaround is fairly simple as long as you know that's the problem

MrYsLab commented 8 years ago

I will add a note on the Wiki page. The fix will be in the next release.

MrYsLab commented 8 years ago

Fixed with release 2.5