MrYsLab / pymata4

A High Performance Python Client For Arduino Firmata
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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arduino_instance_id problem #39

Closed goofyx closed 2 years ago

goofyx commented 2 years ago

I have project with more than 50 arduino's (and will be more) connected to 7 Odroid XU and RaspBerry PI and I have big problem with auto connection to it. Every Arduino has own arduino_instance_id which is greater than 10. In python I am using something like that: (more dynamic, but idea it's that) board25 = pymata4.Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=25) and everything work good for situation then arduino with arduino_instance_id=25 is connected and working, but if I disconnect thats board Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=25) will connect to the first Arduino he can connect. The same situation is that when Pymata4 function can't found Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=1) it will connect to the first Arduino USB port it can.

Simple example:

pymata4:  Version 1.11

Copyright (c) 2020 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved.

Opening all potential serial ports...

Waiting 4 seconds(arduino_wait) for Arduino devices to reset...

Searching for an Arduino configured with an arduino_instance = 2
Arduino compatible device found and connected to /dev/ttyACM0

Retrieving Arduino Firmware ID...
Arduino Firmware ID: 1.2 FirmataExpress.ino

Retrieving analog map...
Auto-discovery complete. Found 20 Digital Pins and 6 Analog Pins

Distance in cm: 114
Distance in cm: 116

For testing: /dev/ttyACM0 is arduino_instance_id=14 with hc-sr501 /dev/ttyACM1 is arduino_instance_id =15 with some led

When I use pymata4.Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=14), pymata4.Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=15) and both Arduino is connected everything working good. But if i disconect /dev/ttyACM0 pymata4.Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=14)connecting to the /dev/ttyACM1 and pymata4.Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=15) will return error (what is ok) serial.serialutil.SerialException: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)

Maybe I am doing something wrong. Thanks for any help.

MrYsLab commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting the issue. I was able to reproduce. "The same situation is that when Pymata4 function can't found Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=1), it will connect to the first Arduino USB port it can." I believe this is fixed with release 1.12 that I just published to pypi:

sudo pip3 install pymata4 --upgrade

I could not recreate the other items you describe, but this fix may resolve the other issues too.

Could you please test this release and let me know if it solves the issues for you.

goofyx commented 2 years ago

Almost perfect ;)

If I have only one device connected /dev/ttyACM0 with specific arduino_instance_id=14 pymata4 working great at this moment with board14 = pymata4.Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=14) But with multi arduino connected to the device like that :

  1. /dev/ttyACM3 is arduino_instance_id=17
  2. /dev/ttyACM2 is arduino_instance_id=16
  3. /dev/ttyACM1 is arduino_instance_id=15
  4. /dev/ttyACM0 is arduino_instance_id=14

I have error:

pymata4:  Version 1.12

Copyright (c) 2020 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved.

Opening all potential serial ports...

Waiting 4 seconds(arduino_wait) for Arduino devices to reset...

Searching for an Arduino configured with an arduino_instance = 14
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/goofyx/Projekty/firmData/pymata4/examples/", line 66, in <module>
    board14 = pymata4.Pymata4(arduino_instance_id=14)
  File "/home/goofyx/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymata4/", line 235, in __init__
  File "/home/goofyx/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymata4/", line 400, in _find_arduino
    raise RuntimeError(f'arduino_instance_id does not match the '
RuntimeError: arduino_instance_id does not match the value on the board.

I found in sources in that in my case problems was in else condition which raise error on line 399-401:

399:                    else:
400:                        raise RuntimeError(f'arduino_instance_id does not match the '
401:                                           f'value on the board.')

I hashed this lines and i think it's start to works. But probably is not good solution.

MrYsLab commented 2 years ago

I was able to reproduce what you are seeing and I believe I have fixed the issue with release 1.13. I configured my test system with:

/dev/ttyACM2 is arduino_instance_id=16
/dev/ttyACM1 is arduino_instance_id=15
/dev/ttyACM0 is arduino_instance_id=14

I ran a test script and here is the output:

afy@theLab:~$ python3
pymata4:  Version 1.13

Copyright (c) 2020 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved.

Opening all potential serial ports...

Waiting 4 seconds(arduino_wait) for Arduino devices to reset...

Searching for an Arduino configured with an arduino_instance = 14
Arduino compatible device found and connected to /dev/ttyACM0

Retrieving Arduino Firmware ID...
Arduino Firmware ID: 1.2 FirmataExpress.ino

Retrieving analog map...
Auto-discovery complete. Found 30 Digital Pins and 12 Analog Pins

elapsed time 0.16091609001159668

Again, could you please test this release and let me know if it solves the issues for you? Thanks.

goofyx commented 2 years ago

I tested pymata4 v.1.13 with 4 and 15 arduino devices and at this moment it's look very good :) Thank you very much.

pymata4:  Version 1.13

Copyright (c) 2020 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved.

Opening all potential serial ports...

Waiting 4 seconds(arduino_wait) for Arduino devices to reset...

Searching for an Arduino configured with an arduino_instance = 14
Arduino compatible device found and connected to /dev/ttyACM0

Retrieving Arduino Firmware ID...
Arduino Firmware ID: 1.2 FirmataExpress.ino

Retrieving analog map...
Auto-discovery complete. Found 20 Digital Pins and 6 Analog Pins

pymata4:  Version 1.13

Copyright (c) 2020 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved.

Opening all potential serial ports...

Waiting 4 seconds(arduino_wait) for Arduino devices to reset...

Searching for an Arduino configured with an arduino_instance = 15
Arduino compatible device found and connected to /dev/ttyACM1

Retrieving Arduino Firmware ID...
Arduino Firmware ID: 1.2 FirmataExpress.ino

Retrieving analog map...
Auto-discovery complete. Found 20 Digital Pins and 6 Analog Pins

pymata4:  Version 1.13

Copyright (c) 2020 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved.

Opening all potential serial ports...

Waiting 4 seconds(arduino_wait) for Arduino devices to reset...

Searching for an Arduino configured with an arduino_instance = 16
Arduino compatible device found and connected to /dev/ttyACM2

Retrieving Arduino Firmware ID...
Arduino Firmware ID: 1.2 FirmataExpress.ino

Retrieving analog map...
Auto-discovery complete. Found 20 Digital Pins and 6 Analog Pins

pymata4:  Version 1.13

Copyright (c) 2020 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved.

Opening all potential serial ports...

Waiting 4 seconds(arduino_wait) for Arduino devices to reset...

Searching for an Arduino configured with an arduino_instance = 17
Arduino compatible device found and connected to /dev/ttyACM3

Retrieving Arduino Firmware ID...
Arduino Firmware ID: 1.2 FirmataExpress.ino

Retrieving analog map...
Auto-discovery complete. Found 20 Digital Pins and 6 Analog Pins
MrYsLab commented 2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I am closing this issue.