Mrcuve0 / Aritim-Dark

A Dark theme for both KDE and GTK based DEs, deeply inspired by the Ayu Dark color palette
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Error while install #1

Closed ChristopheSilva closed 5 years ago

ChristopheSilva commented 5 years ago

Hi there, i'm having an error while tying to instal:

sudo kpackagetool5 -i couldn't find knsrc file for "wallpaper.knsrc" Empty filename passed to function Erro: A instalação de /home/christoph3/Transferências/ foi mal-sucedida: Não foi possível instalar a dependência: 'kns://wallpaper.knsrc/'

Mrcuve0 commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for reporting this issue. That's quite strange: I tried to reproduce the issue on a VM using KDE Neon and this is the log I got:

sudo kpackagetool5 -i
org.kde.knewstuff.core: Could not determine type of archive file ' "/tmp/vBysZe-Aritim-Dark-Wallpaper-1920x1080.jpg" '
QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kpackagehandlers/knshandler") is still running.
org.kde.knewstuff.core: Could not determine type of archive file ' "/tmp/fQLPnn-AritimDark.colors" '
Successfully installed /home/neon/Downloads/

Despite the displayed errors, I still obtain a successful installation: the theme is correctly installed such as as the color palette and the wallpaper (which is not set automatically, I still have to figure this out...)

I don't know actually why you are having this problem, I'll wait to have new feedback.

The best and user-friendly way to install a KDE theme is by going on Settings --> "Workspace theme --> Look and feel --> Get new Look and Feel Themes* and finally select the theme you are looking for (downloaded and installed automatically from the KDE Store).


ChristopheSilva commented 5 years ago

Hi there, tried to install using terminal way and graphical way without success. When I tried to install via " get new themes for plasma" it install but does not show in the available installed themes. Via terminal it gives the error reported in kde neon and also in a fresh arch+plasma install. Best regards

Mrcuve0 commented 5 years ago

So I tried to look for it on the Internet. What I found so far:

As suggested by the first link, this could be probably linked to a dependency you don't have on both your systems (although it seems strange since my clean live-usb of KDE Neon works so far but not yours).

Finally, since this seems really a though problem to debug, try to modify the metadata.desktop file contained into the theme's zipped folder. This file contains all the dependencies that are downloaded automatically during installation. It's just a matter of deleting this string and relaunch the installation (you can repeat this with all the dependencies that may cause problems): Screenshot_20190523_171409

Finally, if the installation completes successfully, you can download manually the wallpaper if you want:

ChristopheSilva commented 5 years ago

Hi there, tried it again in kde neon fresh install and also on my main arch+plasma no luck, if i install via graphic it does not show aritim theme on available themes.

Mrcuve0 commented 5 years ago

if i install via graphic it does not show aritim theme on available themes.

That's really strange. I found this thread on the opendesktop community:

This is probably the problem you are encountering. Try to reproduce the commands that you can find on the reddit thread (the second link) (kcmshell5 kcm_lookandfeel) and follow the instructions on the same thread.

This will probably explain why both Kde Neon and Arch are affected but not my Manjaro I'm currently writing from: both the distros come with the most updated packages so these kind of problem have a higher probability to happen. Finally, my KDE Neon ISO that I used on my VM is dated 2018 so it has outdated packages, that's why I didn't face the problem.

Let me know, we may have found a solution!

Mrcuve0 commented 5 years ago

No feedback received so far. Assuming the problem was solved and closing the issue.