//Hi, I am a new contributor, and I do not know if I follow the rules of this respiratory.
// please add me to the Hacktoberfest, thank you.
// convert uppercase and lowercase without using toUpper and toLower
// we can use the ascii values to convert them
// for example, A is 65 in acsii value, so plus 32 is 97 and 97 is the lowercase A(a) in ascii
//Hi, I am a new contributor, and I do not know if I follow the rules of this respiratory. // please add me to the Hacktoberfest, thank you. // convert uppercase and lowercase without using toUpper and toLower // we can use the ascii values to convert them // for example, A is 65 in acsii value, so plus 32 is 97 and 97 is the lowercase A(a) in ascii