Mridul-1-Sharma / data_structures_algos

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Create an arrayLinkedList #40

Closed JunJul closed 1 year ago

JunJul commented 1 year ago

I can use the array not the vector that one to create a singly linked list. The purpose for this is to compare the array to the linked list. How are they different?

JunJul commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Mridul-1-Sharma . Could you assign this task to me and add a hacktoberfest label for me?

Mridul-1-Sharma commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Mridul-1-Sharma . Could you assign this task to me and add a hacktoberfest label for me?

Please elaborate the issue

JunJul commented 1 year ago

An array has insertFront(), removeFront(), size(), and empty(). The more details will be shown in my description after I complete the program.

Mridul-1-Sharma commented 1 year ago

An array has insertFront(), removeFront(), size(), and empty(). The more details will be shown in my description after I complete the program.
