Mryan2005 /
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Update dependency gulp to v4 #38

Closed renovate[bot] closed 5 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
gulp (source) ^3.9.0 -> ^4.0.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

gulpjs/gulp (gulp) ### [`v4.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fix - Bind src/dest/symlink to the gulp instance to support esm exports ([5667666]( - Ref [standard-things/esm#797]( ##### Docs - Add notes about esm support ([4091bd3]( - Closes [#​2278]( - Fix the Negative Globs section & examples ([3c66d95]( - Closes [#​2297]( - Remove next tag from recipes ([1693a11]( - Closes [#​2277]( - Add default task wrappers to Watching Files examples to make runnable ([d916276]( - Closes [#​2322]( - Fix syntax error in lastRun API docs ([ea52a92]( - Closes [#​2315]( - Fix typo in Explaining Globs ([5d81f42]( - Closes [#​2326]( ##### Build - Add node 12 to Travis & Azure ([b4b5a68]( ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fix - Temporary workaround for [facebook/Docusaurus#257]( ([9f4a2e9]( - Closes [facebook/Docusaurus#257]( ##### Docs - Fix error in ES2015 usage example ([a4e8d48]( - Closes [#​2099]( [#​2100]( - Add temporary notice for 4.0.0 vs 3.9.1 documentation ([126423a]( - Closes [#​2121]( - Improve recipe for empty glob array ([45830cf]( - Closes [#​2122]( - Reword standard to default ([b065a13]( - Fix recipe typo ([86acdea]( - Closes [#​2156]( - Add front-matter to each file ([d693e49]( - Closes [#​2109]( - Rename "Getting Started" to "Quick Start" & update it ([6a0fa00]( - Add "Creating Tasks" documentation ([21b6962]( - Add "JavaScript and Gulpfiles" documentation ([31adf07]( - Add "Working with Files" documentation ([50fafc6]( - Add "Async Completion" documentation ([ad8b568]( - Add "Explaining Globs" documentation ([f8cafa0]( - Add "Using Plugins" documentation ([233c3f9]( - Add "Watching Files" documentation ([f3f2d9f]( - Add Table of Contents to "Getting Started" directory ([a43caf2]( - Improve & fix parts of Getting Started ([84b0234]( - Create and link-to a "docs missing" page for LINK_NEEDED references ([2bd75d0]( - Redirect users to new Getting Started guides ([53e9727]( - Temporarily reference gulp@next in Quick Start ([2cecf1e]( - Fixed a capitalization typo in a heading ([3d051d8]( - Closes [#​2242]( - Use h2 headers within Quick Start documentation ([921312c]( - Closes [#​2241]( - Fix for nested directories references ([4c2b9a7]( - Add some more cleanup for Docusaurus ([6a8fd8f]( - Temporarily point LINK_NEEDED references to ([df7cdcb]( - API documentation improvements based on feedback ([0a68710]( - Update API Table of Contents ([d6dd438]( - Add API Concepts documentation ([8dd3361]( - Add Vinyl.isCustomProp() documentation ([40ee801]( - Add Vinyl.isVinyl() documentation ([25a22bf]( - Add Vinyl documentation ([fc09067]( - Update watch() documentation ([69c22f0]( - Update tree() documentation ([ebb9818]( - Update task() documentation ([b636a9c]( - Update symlink() documentation ([d580efa]( - Update src() documentation ([d95b457]( - Update series() documentation ([4169cb6]( - Update registry() documentation ([d680487]( - Update parallel() documentation ([dc3cba7]( - Update lastRun() documentation ([363df21]( - Update dest() documentation ([e447d81]( - Split API docs into separate markdown files ([a3b8ce1]( - Fix hash link ([af4bd51]( - Replace some links in Getting Started ([c433c70]( - Remove temporary workaround for [facebook/Docusaurus#257]( ([5c07954]( - Closes [facebook/Docusaurus#257]( - Added code ticks to "null" where missing ([cb67319]( - Closes [#​2243]( - Fix broken link in lastRun ([d35653e]( - Add front-matter to documentation-missing page ([a553cfd]( - Improve grammar on Concepts ([01cfcc5]( - Closes [#​2247]( - Remove spaces around
([c960c1d]( - Improve grammar in src ([eb493a2]( - Closes [#​2248]( - Fix formatting error ([ca6ba35]( - Closes [#​2250]( - Fix formatting of lastRun ([8569f85]( - Closes [#​2251]( - Add missing link in watch ([e35bdac]( - Closes [#​2252]( - Fix broken link in tasks ([6d43750]( - Closes [#​2253]( - Improve punctuation in tree ([8e9fd70]( - Closes [#​2254]( - Fix mistake in "Splitting a gulpfile" ([96c353d]( - Closes [#​2255]( - Remove front-matter from outdated pages ([c5af6f1]( - Fix broken link in Table of Contents ([c641369]( - Closes [#​2260]( - Update the babel dependencies to install & configuration needed ([7239cf1]( - Closes [#​2136]( - Add "What's new in 4.0" section ([75ea634]( - Closes [#​2089]( [#​2267]( - Cleanup README for "latest" bump ([24e202b]( - Closes [#​2268]( - Revert "next" reference now that 4.0 is latest ([ed27cbe]( - Add Azure Pipelines badge ([f3f0548]( - Closes [#​2310]( - Add note about transpilation to "Splitting a Gulpfile" section ([53b9037]( - Closes [#​2311]( [#​2312]( - Improve wording of file rename ([88437f2]( - Closes [#​2314]( ##### Upgrade - Update glob-watcher, gulp-cli, and undertaker dependencies & rimraf devDep ([d3734d3]( ##### Build - Add node 10 to CI matrices ([a5eac1c]( - Remove jscs & update eslint for code formatting rules ([ad8a2f7]( - Fix Azure comment ([34a6d53]( - Closes [#​2307]( - Add Azure Pipelines CI ([b2c6c7e]( - Closes [#​2299]( ##### Scaffold - Mark \*.png and \*.jpg as binary files to git ([a010db6]( - Update some links and license year ([1027236]( - Add tidelift configuration ([49b5aca]( - Add new expense policy ([9819957]( - Add support-bot template ([9078c49]( ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Task system changes - replaced 3.x task system (orchestrator) with new task system (bach) - removed gulp.reset - removed 3 argument syntax for `gulp.task` - `gulp.task` should only be used when you will call the task with the CLI - added `gulp.series` and `gulp.parallel` methods for composing tasks. Everything must use these now. - added single argument syntax for `gulp.task` which allows a named function to be used as the name of the task and task function. - added `gulp.tree` method for retrieving the task tree. Pass `{ deep: true }` for an `archy` compatible node list. - added `gulp.registry` for setting custom registries. ##### CLI changes - split CLI out into a module if you want to save bandwidth/disk space. you can install the gulp CLI using either `npm install gulp -g` or `npm install gulp-cli -g`, where gulp-cli is the smaller one (no module code included) - add `--tasks-json` flag to CLI to dump the whole tree out for other tools to consume - added `--verify` flag to check the dependencies in package.json against the plugin blacklist. ##### vinyl/vinyl-fs changes - added `gulp.symlink` which functions exactly like `gulp.dest`, but symlinks instead. - added `dirMode` param to `gulp.dest` and `gulp.symlink` which allows better control over the mode of the destination folder that is created. - globs passed to `gulp.src` will be evaluated in order, which means this is possible `gulp.src(['*.js', '!b*.js', 'bad.js'])` (exclude every JS file that starts with a b except bad.js) - performance for gulp.src has improved massively - `gulp.src(['**/*', '!b.js'])` will no longer eat CPU since negations happen during walking now - added `since` option to `gulp.src` which lets you only match files that have been modified since a certain date (for incremental builds) - fixed `gulp.src` not following symlinks - added `overwrite` option to `gulp.dest` which allows you to enable or disable overwriting of existing files


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vercel[bot] commented 1 year ago

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Name Status Preview Updated
mryan2005-github-io ❌ Failed (Inspect) Nov 20, 2022 at 7:33AM (UTC)
renovate[bot] commented 5 months ago

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