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Update dependency hexo to v6 [SECURITY] #59

Closed renovate[bot] closed 5 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 5 months ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
hexo (source) 3.9.0 -> 6.0.0 age adoption passing confidence

GitHub Vulnerability Alerts


Hexo versions 0.0.1 to 5.4.0 are vulnerable against stored XSS. The post “body” and “tags” don’t sanitize malicious javascript during web page generation. Local unprivileged attacker can inject arbitrary code.

Release Notes

hexojs/hexo (hexo) ### [`v6.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Breaking Changes - Drop Node 10 [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4779](, [#​4691](] #### Security - Escape HTML by default in list_tag [@​tomap]( \[[#​4743](] **Please see more detail:** [Announcement: About CVE-2021-25987]( #### New features - feat: load hexo plugin in the theme's package.json [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4771](] - feat(open_graph): different URLs for `og:image` and `twitter:image` [@​KentarouTakeda]( \[[#​4748](] #### Performance - perf(tag/helper): memoize [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4789](] - perf(external_link): optimize regex [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4790](] - refactor/perf: use nanocolors [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4788](] - Switch to picocolors [@​tomap]( \[[#​4825](] - perf: avoid using delete operator [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4711](] - perf: overall improvements [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4783](] - refactor/perf(post): use state machine to escape swig tag [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4780](] - refactor: refactor pagination - paginatorHelper - pagenasionPartShow [@​CroMarmot]( \[[#​4662](] #### Fixes - fix(post): escape swig full tag with args [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4824](] - fix(processor): remove race condition failsafe [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4791](] - fix([#​4780]( curly brackets [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4784](] - fix([#​4780]( empty tag name correction [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4786](] - Generate draft assets in draft mode [@​darekkay]( \[[#​4563](] #### Refactor - refactor: native `Array.flat()` [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4806](] #### Docs - doc: add homebrew install [@​chenrui333]( \[[#​4724](] - doc(extend/console): add jsdoc [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4500](] #### Dependencies - Cleanup dependabot [@​tomap]( \[[#​4820](] - chore: bump actions/stale from 3 to 4 [@​dependabot]( \[[#​4828](] - chore: bump sinon from 11.1.2 to 12.0.1 [@​dependabot]( \[[#​4810](] - chore: bump eslint from 7.32.0 to 8.0.0 [@​dependabot]( \[[#​4799](] - chore: bump hexo-log from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 [@​dependabot]( \[[#​4794](] - chore: bump husky from 4.3.8 to 7.0.2 [@​dependabot]( \[[#​4763](] - chore: bump sinon from 10.0.1 to 11.1.2 [@​dependabot]( \[[#​4747](] - chore: bump mocha from 8.4.0 to 9.1.1 [@​dependabot]( \[[#​4765](] - chore: bump lint-staged from 10.5.4 to 11.0.0 [@​dependabot]( \[[#​4697](] - Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot [@​dependabot-preview]( \[[#​4689](] - chore(deps-dev): bump sinon from 9.2.4 to 10.0.0 [@​dependabot-preview]( \[[#​4670](] - chore(deps-dev): bump hexo-renderer-marked from 3.3.0 to 4.0.0 [@​dependabot-preview]( \[[#​4649](] #### New Contributors - [@​CroMarmot]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​darekkay]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​dependabot]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​chenrui333]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v5.4.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Fixes - fix([#​4917]( downgrade `js-yaml` from `v4.x` to `v3.14.x` by [@​yoshinorin]( in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v5.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Fixes - Fix js-yaml tags for v4.0.0+ ([#​4869]( by [@​marcofranssen]( in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v5.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New features - feat: handle config.root is not exist [@​jiangtj]( \[[#​4616](] #### Breaking change - fix(excerpt): use span instead of anchor element for better SEO performance [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4627](] #### Fixes - fix(box): set property awaitWriteFinish for chokidar filewatcher [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4633](] - fix(codeblock): match whitespace but not newlines [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4625](] - fix(i18n): page.lang is undefined when using the key `language` in front-matter [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4614](] #### Misc - github: update actions/setup-node action to v2 [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4604](] - chore/ci: migrate from probot/stale to GitHub Actions [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4598](] #### Dependencies - chore(deps): bump js-yaml from 3.14.1 to 4.0.0 [@​dependabot-preview]( \[[#​4607](] ### [`v5.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New features - expose `escape_html` helper method for string manipulation to templates [@​awwong1]( \[[#​4581](] - list_tags: span element & custom class for label [@​noraj]( \[[#​4578](] #### Fixes - fix(load_plugins): ignore plugin whose name is started with "hexo-theme" [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4592](] - fix(codeblock): closing code fence may be followed only by spaces [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4574](] #### Refactor - Replace `process.mainModule` with `require.main` [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4583](] #### Docs - docs(badge): replace david-dm with more reliable [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4538](] ### [`v5.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changes - perf(external_link): faster regexp [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4536](] - prioritise `http(s)://` over `//` - feat: support 'disableNunjucks' in front-matter [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4518](] - Enable this option to disable [tag plugin]( - Setting this option in front-matter will override the same option set by the renderer (e.g. [hexo-renderer-marked]( ```yml --- title: foo date: 2020-01-02 03:04:05 disableNunjucks: true|false --- ``` - fix: avoid escaping front-matter if unnecessary [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4522](] - using variable (e.g. `{{ title }}`) with special characters no longer result in double-quote wrap - fix: validate value of [config.url]( [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4520](] - `config.url` should starts with "http://" or "https://" - fix(router): convert string to buffer in route stream [@​ppoffice]( \[[#​4517](] - fix crash in `hexo generate --bail` - fix(disableNunjucks): query both async and sync versions of renderer [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4498](] - [`disableNunjucks`]( option should now works reliably with synchronous renderer - feat(load_plugin): ignore pkg name endswith theme name [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4497](] - An initial effort to support scoped package #### Housekeeping - chore/ci: move benchmark & profiling to Actions [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4525](] \[[#​4514](] \[[#​4335](] - Travis is now completely replaced by Actions (in this repo) - chore: use for example domain [@​YoshinoriN]( \[[#​4512](] ### [`v5.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changes - fix(filter/highlight): avoid escaping curly bracket when highlight & prismjs disabled [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4489](] - When both highlight.js and prismjs are disabled: ```yml ``` ### \_config.yml highlight: enable: false prismjs enable: false * there was an issue that curly brackets `{ }` are escaped `&#​123; &#​125;` mistakenly in the [backtick_code_block.js]( filter. The fix is to avoid running that filter when code highlight is disabled. * Some users disable Hexo's default code highlight as they prefer to their own method. ### [`v5.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - feat(highlight): parse 'caption' option to prismHighlight [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4476](] - `caption` is now available in prismjs: ```yml ``` ### \_config.yml highlight: enable: false prismjs: enable: true * It can be used in triple backtick codeblock:
``` js caption
* above codeblock will be rendered as: (class attributes are omitted for brevity) ``` html
``` * you can style the caption by: ``` css pre div.caption { font-size: 0.9em; color: #​888; } pre div.caption a { float: right; } ``` * also available via [`codeblock`]( and [`include_code`]( tag plugins. - fix: refactor post escape @​SukkaW [#​4472] * fixed issue with prismjs that, in some cases, did not remove hexo's processing tag properly - Remove plugins option in config @​stevenjoezhang [#​4475] ``` yml ### _config.yml plugins: - `plugins` option has been deprecated long ago and it's now completely dropped - plugins should be saved in `scripts/` folder or installed via npm `package.json`. #### Performance - perf(backtick_code): avoid duplicated escaping [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4478](] ### [`v5.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changes - Revert "perf: avoid running plugins in 'clean' command" \[[#​4386](] [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4470](] - This fixes error in `hexo clean`. ### [`v5.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changes - fix(helpers): call url_for from hexo-util [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4447](] - [helpers]( are now accessible from APIs such as [`Injector`]( - perf(external_link): update regexp [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4467](] - regex of [`external_link`]( filter now pre-match external links, instead of solely rely on [`isExternalLink`]( - perf(injector): shorthand optimization [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4462](] ### [`v5.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Breaking change - refactor(external_link): migrate config during load_config [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4414](] \[[#​4371](] - See [Writing]( section for new options (introduced back in v4) ```yml ``` ### \_config.yml external_link: true|false # deprecated ### New option external_link: enable: true|false ```` ``` yml ### _config.yml ### use_date_for_updated: true # deprecated ### New option updated_option: date ```` - If you check `external_link` for truthy value, since it's now automatically converted to object, it will be always truthy: ```js <% if (config.external_link) { %> ``` - If you wish to maintain backward compatibility with older Hexo versions: ```js <% if ((typeof config.external_link === 'boolean' && config.external_link === true) || (typeof config.external_link === 'object' && config.external_link.enable === true)) { %> ``` - refactor(box): remove Bluebird.asCallback [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4379](] - Callback syntax for [`Box`]( is never documented nor utilized in Hexo's internal. - This is also a reminder that we might drop callbacks from all Hexo API in future. \[[#​3328](] - feat: bring up config.[updated_option]( [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4278](] - This can be useful for a theme that prefers to display ` Updated: ` only when it's set in the article's front-matter. - feat(open_graph): drop 'keywords' option from front-matter [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4174](] - Search engines no longer support `keywords`. - fix([#​3464]( override permalink use the front-matter [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4359](] - User config: ```yml ``` ### \_config.yml permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ ```` * Front-matter ``` yml --- title: foo bar permalink: breaking-news/ --- ```` - That post will be available on `` - A reminder that permalink must have a trailing `.html` or `/` ```yml permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ # default ### or permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title.html ``` - Remove lodash from global variable [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4266](] - Lodash `_` is no longer available on Hexo API. - ```js // Dropped <% const arrayB = _.uniq(arrayA) %> ``` - We encourage the use over native JS API over Lodash, we find [this guide]( to be helpful. - If you prefer to use Lodash, you can always install it and make it available via [`Helper`]( API - chore/ci: drop Node.js 8 and add Node.js 14 [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4255](] - Node 8 has [reached EOL]( on 31 Dec 2019. - Hexo now requires Node 10+; although Node 10.x is still supported, but it's going to be officially deprecated in less than a year (April 2021), so we recommend Node 12+. - refactor: remove site config from theme config [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4145](] - Previously `hexo.theme.config` is merged into `hexo.config`, they are now separated to avoid possible conflict in configuration. #### New feature - feat([tag]( show source of the error & beautify [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4420](] - feat([post_link]( better error message when a post could not be located \[[#​4426](] - The error message is now clearer when there is an incorrect filename. - skip assets of unpublished posts and delete them if exist [@​DaemondShu]( \[[#​3489](] - When there is an unpublished post: ```yml --- title: Still a draft.... published: false --- ``` - That post including its assets will not be generated into the `public/` folder. - feat(extend/injector): bring up new extend Injector [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4049](] - Refer to the API [documentation]( for usage. - feat: add prism highlight support [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4119](] - Refer to the [documentation]( for usage. - feat([tagcloud]( new option class & level [@​stevenjoezhang]( \[[#​4370](] - Ability to add class name for CSS styling. - feat(config): validate config before processing posts [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4381](] - feat(post_permalink): add `:second` attribute option for post permalink [@​kkocdko]( \[[#​4185](] - Example: ```yml permalink: :year/:month/:day/:hour/:minute/:second/:title.html ``` - Refer to [Permalinks]( for available attributes. - feat([youtube_tag]( add cookie option [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4155](] - When disabled, cookie is not set/sent in the youtube video embed. - feat(youtube_tag): support playlist [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4139](] - Ability to embed a playlist. - feat(load_theme_config): support alternate theme config [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4120](] - Theme can be configured in a file `_config.[name].yml`, e.g. `_config.landscape.yml` for [hexo-theme-landscape]( - Placed the file in the root folder, same as the current `_config.yml`. - Refer to the [documentation]( for configuration priority. - feat([feed_tag]( support parsing config.feed [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4029](] - Better integration with [hexo-generator-feed]( - feat(tag): add unregister() method [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4046](] - This means you can now unregister existing [tag plugins]( and replace it with your own with the same name. - feat(filter): add `_after_html_render` filter [@​jiangtj]( \[[#​4051](] - perf(filter): set `after_render:html` as alias of `_after_html_render` [@​curbengh]( \[[#​4073](] - Existing `after_render:html` filter plugins automatically benefit from this improvement. - feat(load_config): support theme_dir in node_modules [@​SukkaW]( \[[#​4112](] - fix(list_tags): custom class for each element [@​noraj]( \[[#​4059](] - Customize the class name for each element `
renovate[bot] commented 5 months ago

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