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is jenkins still the winner of CI/CD space ? #17

Open Mstar0816 opened 4 months ago

Mstar0816 commented 4 months ago

I have not setup jenkins for a long time now, every cloud has its own CI/CD tool,

my question for personal use is still jenkins is the best ? or what are good competitors at this time and age?

Mstar0816 commented 4 months ago

So, who is the "king" then? Maintaining Jenkins can be a PITA, but doing some weird workaround cause you don't have the feature you had in Jenkins is a PITA as well.

Mstar0816 commented 4 months ago

There is no successor, I'm afraid. But if the experience from using Jenkins thought you anything:

Pick your CI system by the artifact storage and deployment tool you are planing to use it with. Life cycle management of artifacts and caches in between pipeline stages is the hardest part to get right. Scaling is easy. It's so easy that every single CI tool has successfully integrated about every relevant API (Kubernetes, all sorts of virtualization environments etc.) that can be used for this. Reporting of code quality is best left to external tools, so it's shown wherever the developer is going to look for it. Export in whatever the corresponding IDE or SCM frontend can work with best. Integration with version control is little more than a commit hook and injection of review results. You will end up having to script all sorts of stuff anyways, and you will eventually encounter cross-platform portability. Jenkins got it right to give you Groovy - don't fall for the pitfall of using non-portable shell dialect. You'd need JS or Python at least to match up.