Mtihc / TreasureChest

The TreasureChest plugin for CraftBukkit
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set access.treasure & access.unlimited permissions to be true by default #76

Closed swills1 closed 10 years ago

swills1 commented 10 years ago

I set the default for treasurechest.access.treasure and treasurechest.access.unlimited to be set as true by default. These permissions need to be set to true so regular players can open treasure chests.

swills1 commented 10 years ago

None of the documentation I've found regarding this plugin mentions how to change permissions. There is a great list of what each of them do found here. However, there are no instructions on what to do with them.

I think an even better solution than simply setting these nodes to be true by default would be to have the plugin.yml extract along side the config.yml. That way users could simply edit the yml without having to extract the .jar file.

Mtihc commented 10 years ago

I'm guessing you are new to Bukkit? Permissions can be granted using a Permissions plugin like PermissionsEx. My plugin page does not have instructions because it's implied that you know how to work a Bukkit server.

Having the plugin.yml along side the config.yml is also silly. Without going into detail, I can tell you that's simply not how it works. The plugin.yml file needs to be inside the .jar file.

I could change the default from false to true. But that means that every user of this plugin will run into surprises. So... no. It will stay the way it is.

swills1 commented 10 years ago

You don't need to be condescending, but if it makes you feel good then by all means put me down. You say that by setting it to true people will run into surprises.. However, as is the plugin is unusable. That is also a pretty big surprise. You should at least update your documentation so users know they need to add an entirely other plugin just to change those two permissions. I guarantee it'd get you a lot more users.

I know that myself personally doesn't want to add an entirely different plugin just to change two permissions and in turn bog my server down.

Like I said, it's a nice plugin, but we aren't engrained with every bit of knowledge in our brains. Some things need to be learned. I think it would help a lot of people out to at least mention that there are two permissions that must be altered in order to get the plugin to work and that users should download a permissions plugin.

Mtihc commented 10 years ago

You say that by setting it to true people will run into surprises.. However, as is the plugin is unusable.

Have you ever installed a plugin like WoldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials? They ALL need permission settings. Almost every plugin needs permission settings.

I think it would help a lot of people out to at least mention that there are two permissions that must be altered in order to get the plugin to work and that users should download a permissions plugin.

It's true I could give some more information on the permissions page.

As far as you saying it's impossible to make the settings in the plugin.yml editable from outside the jar... You must be new to Java. Working a Bukkit server and automatically knowing you need a second plugin are two entirely different issues.

Sure these settings can be edited from outside the jar file. But it's not conventional. If you want to edit the default plugin.yml values. You can do so... just edit the .jar file using Winzip or Winrar.

And again. If you want to set permission settings. You need a Permission plugin. You can also do it without an extra plugin. But I'm not sure how that works. Anyway... I don't feel obligated to change this. Because every plugin has permissions. I think you will have a very hard time finding a bukkit server without a permissions plugin.

Mtihc commented 10 years ago

The most important reasons to keep it the way it is.... are... Because all current users expect it to be false by default. If I change it now... they will need a permission plugin to turn it off again. (assuming that they even read the changelog)

And also... some permission plugins make it hard to turn off permissions. Turning on permissions is usuallly easier.

I understand your point. But it's too late now.

swills1 commented 10 years ago

Users use the plugin with it set to false? Well, you might be a bit gruff but I'm still going to continue to use this great plugin. Thanks for the response.

Mtihc commented 10 years ago

Sorry if I came across in a condesending way. It was subconcious I guess. I really assumed you were new. And I kindof treated you like a n00b. Forgive me.

Users use the plugin with it set to false?

Take this permission configuration for example.

        treasurechest.access.treasure: true

Only members can access treasures. The default group does not have permission, because treasurechest.access.treasure is false by default.

If I would change the default to true. The server admin has to change his permission configuration.

        treasurechest.access.treasure: false

Otherwise suddenly everybody can access treasures!

Mtihc commented 10 years ago

I will admit, I might have a twisted logic about default permissions. I made it as "safe" as possible.

Default permissions are granted with treasurechest.player. But that means you really require a permission plugin. You're right it would be better if that was not the case.

At least I should mention this on the permissions page!

swills1 commented 10 years ago

Ah, I understand now. You had a set vision for this plugin to work specifically with groups. Sorry for the huffiness. Thanks again for the responses.