Mu2e / TrkAna

Track-based analysis TTree maker working in the art framework
Apache License 2.0
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Update to use KalSeedPtrs and add example of using a merged track collection #139

Closed AndrewEdmonds11 closed 2 months ago

AndrewEdmonds11 commented 2 months ago

This PR updates TrkAna to use a collection of KalSeedPtrs rather than a collection of KalSeeds. This makes it easy to combine track collections into one and have a single branch for all tracks. I have added an example fcl configuration file (TrkAnaReco_mergedKalSeeds.fcl) that merges all KalSeeds into one collection and puts it all in one trk branch.

The behavior of TrkAnaReco.fcl hasn't changed. In order to support both one branch and multiple branches, I have added MergeKalSeeds modules that "merge" a single KalSeedCollection to get a KalSeedPtrCollection. I have validated TrkAnaReco.fcl with the validation script before and after making changes and the histograms are identical as reported by valCompare