MuMech / MechJeb2

MechJeb2 - KSP mod
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Return from Moon broken #1875

Open Sinomen opened 3 months ago

Sinomen commented 3 months ago

KSP 12.3, MJ Dev #1343

Module "Return from Moon" - here: Mun - creates a node with 480 m/s, instead of the expected approx. 270 m/s. Manually creating the node works fine, with the node having 269 m/s.

Also: Maneuver execution doesn't terminate properly, but, more often than not, tries to execute the last <0.1 m/s days later.

Forced RCS Ullage (see issue #1860) as well as broken Porkchop (see Issue #1874) are not present in MJ Dev #1343, hence I did revert to that version.

lamont-granquist commented 3 months ago

need logs

Sinomen commented 3 months ago

Nothing in the KSP.log when creating the node. What logs do you need?

Here are some screenshots for starters:



Regarding node execution termination:


Sinomen commented 3 months ago

Alas, even going back further until build 1225 (that was the version that fixed the asparagus staging bug, see issue #1658) doesn't help at all: either I get the 480 m/s, or MJ is unable to create a node at all. :(

Another note: since build #1227 the fairing staging has gone bad for me: I used to have the fairing in its own stage, to have it autostaged between an altitude of 65+km, and the circularization node. That's no longer possible, unfortunately. Why has that change been made?

lamont-granquist commented 3 months ago

The ReturnFromMoon version in the latest dev produces a ton of logs in KSP.log, they're sufficient for me to replicate the problem entirely without even having to fire up KSP. I really need those.

The fairing algorithm changed to fix common issues, and may have deliberately broken less common issues:

And chatting about random other problems in issues isn't useful at all. This isn't "chat and complain to the devs about everything wrong" -- it needs to stay focused on a single bug. For chatting there's the RO discord (where other users may wind up answering your question, instead of taking up all my time)

Sinomen commented 3 months ago

Let's stick with Return from Moon then, here's the KSP.log: What I did: Start KSP, jumped to the vessel orbiting Mun, created the node. Switched back to the KSC, quit the game.

Sinomen commented 1 month ago


Every new build resolves one issue and introduces two new ones. From Asparagus Staging errors, to oscillating rolls, to RCS errors, to functions like Return From a Moon, to Porkchop calculations. Not even talking about PVG, non-working attitude adjustments, maneuver node execution, and so on.

From my perspective: you simply don't care. Don't care if you break stuff (or not). You just enjoy your happy playground, regardless.

I can't stand your attitude any longer, Larmont, and you probably can't mine as well.

Feel free to close any tickets I might have created.

I'm out of here.