After all stories are merged to dev and pushed to Heroku, divide up rooms for playtesting. Rooms should be played by someone other than the person that coded them.
Playtester will document any bugs and other quality concerns (typos, etc.) as they go, and leave a comment on this issue with anything they find. Make sure the room has been fully played through (or played as much as possible, if bugs prevent completion) before starting on any bugfixes.
Playtester: TBD
Items - test each action type
[ ] entrance | look, take, use
[ ] figure | look, take, use
[ ] bookshelf | look, take, use
[ ] book | look, take, use
Other concerns
[ ] Check whether other rooms (horror, sci-fi, fantasy) are accessible from the Library
Playtester: TBD
Items - test each action type
[ ] entrance | look, take, use
[ ] table | look, take, use
[ ] papers | look, take, use
[ ] jars | look, take, use
[ ] door | look, take, use | use after unlock
[ ] key | look, take, use | look after take | take after take | use after take | use with table | use with door
Other concerns
[ ] Check whether other rooms (horror, sci-fi, fantasy) are accessible from the Library
After all stories are merged to dev and pushed to Heroku, divide up rooms for playtesting. Rooms should be played by someone other than the person that coded them.
Playtester will document any bugs and other quality concerns (typos, etc.) as they go, and leave a comment on this issue with anything they find. Make sure the room has been fully played through (or played as much as possible, if bugs prevent completion) before starting on any bugfixes.
Playtester: TBD
Items - test each action type
Other concerns
Playtester: TBD
Items - test each action type
Other concerns