MudBlazor / MudBlazor

Blazor Component Library based on Material design with an emphasis on ease of use. Mainly written in C# with Javascript kept to a bare minimum it empowers .NET developers to easily debug it if needed.
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MudMenu triggering other menus below #8790

Closed miguelmachado17 closed 3 weeks ago

miguelmachado17 commented 3 weeks ago

Bug type


Component name


What happened?


I'm currently facing a problem when using the MudMenu in mobile phones. Touch function is not working as expected since it's activating the menu of other card's that reside behind it.

I tried to add @ontouchend:stopPropagation to the MudMenuItem but the problem still occurs.

One thing that i notice wile testing is that this issue only happen whenever the page reloads as WebAssembly

My code

<MudMenu Class="w-100 h-100" AnchorOrigin="Origin.TopRight" TransformOrigin="Origin.CenterRight" Dense="true">
        <MudCard Class="border-l-4 border-solid mud-border-success w-100 h-100" Elevation="25">
                <MudText Typo="Typo.button">@task.MainTaskId - @task.CustomerName</MudText>
                <MudText Typo="Typo.h6">@task.MainTaskDescription</MudText>
        <MudMenuItem IconColor="Color.Success" Icon="@Icons.Material.Rounded.PlayArrow" OnClick="(()=>Start(task))" OnTouch="(()=>Start(task))">Start Timer</MudMenuItem>
        <MudDivider />
        <MudMenuItem IconColor=" Color.Error" Icon="@Icons.Material.Rounded.QrCodeScanner" OnClick="(()=>OpenScan(task.MainTaskId))" OnTouch="(()=>OpenScan(task.MainTaskId))" Disabled="true">Scan Material</MudMenuItem>
        <MudDivider />
        <MudMenuItem IconColor="Color.Primary" Icon="@Icons.Material.Rounded.CameraAlt" OnClick="(()=>OpenPicture(task.MainTaskId))" OnTouch="(()=>OpenPicture(task.MainTaskId))">Take Picture</MudMenuItem>
        <MudDivider />

        @if (task.CustomerGmaps != null || task.ProjectGmaps != null)
            <MudMenuItem IconColor="Color.Warning" Icon="@Icons.Material.Rounded.Directions" OnClick="(()=>OpenDirections(task))" OnTouch="(()=>OpenDirections(task))" Disabled="false">Directions</MudMenuItem>
            <MudMenuItem IconColor="Color.Warning" Icon="@Icons.Material.Rounded.Directions" OnClick="(()=>OpenDirections(task))" OnTouch="(()=>OpenDirections(task))" Disabled="true">Directions</MudMenuItem>
        <MudDivider />
        <MudMenuItem IconColor="Color.Info" Icon="@Icons.Material.Rounded.Info" OnClick="(()=>MoreInfo(task.MainTaskId))" OnTouch="(()=>MoreInfo(task.MainTaskId))">More Info</MudMenuItem>

Expected behavior

Touch should not trigger other menus

Reproduction link

Reproduction steps

  1. Create Multiple MudMenus activated by cards
  2. Order them as column
  3. Click on the cards ...

Relevant log output

No response

Version (bug)


Version (working)

No response

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


On which operating systems are you experiencing the issue?


Pull Request

Code of Conduct

danielchalmers commented 3 weeks ago

8492 may resolve this. Can you compile and test your code on the dev branch? Alternatively a preview for v7 should be available in the next week or so.

miguelmachado17 commented 3 weeks ago

Just tested on the dev branch and it looks like it's fixed. Thank you!