MudBlazor / Templates

Ready to use Blazor Templates in different styles and layout with all the basic setup already done for MudBlazor.
MIT License
745 stars 165 forks source link

Invalid options (from Tutorial) #449

Closed atrakic closed 10 months ago

atrakic commented 10 months ago

After failing to run on .Net 6x (see:, I have descided to give a new try on .NET 8x under docker env. What I have done:

$ mkdir -p foo
$ cd foo
$ docker run -it --rm \
    -v "$PWD":/app -w /app \"8.0" 

Under docker from here:

root@1c955b976efe:/app# ls -al
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   64 Jan 15 10:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jan 15 10:49 ..

root@1c955b976efe:/app# dotnet  --version

Install Template

root@1c955b976efe:/app# dotnet new install MudBlazor.Templates
The following template packages will be installed:

Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.cs.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.en.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.ja.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.ko.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.zh-Hans.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.zh-Hant.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Success: MudBlazor.Templates::0.6.5 installed the following templates:
Template Name      Short Name  Language  Tags
-----------------  ----------  --------  --------------------------------
MudBlazor Web App  mudblazor   [C#]      Web/Blazor/WebAssembly/MudBlazor

Create new project (from tutorial):

root@1c955b976efe:/app# dotnet new mudblazor --host wasm --name MyApplication
Error: Invalid option(s):
   '--host' is not a valid option
   'wasm' is not a valid option

For more information, run:
   dotnet new mudblazor -h

For details on the exit code, refer to
Garderoben commented 10 months ago

After failing to run on .Net 6x (see: #433), I have descided to give a new try on .NET 8x under docker env. What I have done:

$ mkdir -p foo
$ cd foo
$ docker run -it --rm \
  -v "$PWD":/app -w /app \"8.0" 

Under docker from here:

root@1c955b976efe:/app# ls -al
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   64 Jan 15 10:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jan 15 10:49 ..

root@1c955b976efe:/app# dotnet  --version

Install Template

root@1c955b976efe:/app# dotnet new install MudBlazor.Templates
The following template packages will be installed:

Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.cs.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.en.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.ja.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.ko.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/, it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.zh-Hans.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Warning: Failed to read or parse localization file /root/.templateengine/packages/MudBlazor.Templates.0.6.5.nupkg(/content/mudblazor/.template.config/localize/templatestrings.zh-Hant.json), it will be skipped from further processing.
Success: MudBlazor.Templates::0.6.5 installed the following templates:
Template Name      Short Name  Language  Tags
-----------------  ----------  --------  --------------------------------
MudBlazor Web App  mudblazor   [C#]      Web/Blazor/WebAssembly/MudBlazor

Create new project (from tutorial):

root@1c955b976efe:/app# dotnet new mudblazor --host wasm --name MyApplication
Error: Invalid option(s):
   '--host' is not a valid option
   'wasm' is not a valid option

For more information, run:
   dotnet new mudblazor -h

For details on the exit code, refer to

New template has new operations check the readme or use -h for help as stated in your response.