Mudlet / rainforest-planning

Tracking the tests that need to be done in the point & click Rainforest QA tests
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Change profile languages #39

Open Kebap opened 2 years ago

Kebap commented 2 years ago

Need a test to make sure this crash does not occur anymore

Kebap commented 2 years ago


English (American)

English (British)




Dutch -- (may need to skip this due to low translation progress)


Portuguese (Brasil) -- (may need to skip this due to low translation progress)

Portuguese (Europe) -- (may need to skip this due to low translation progress)


Suomeksi -- (may need to skip this due to low translation progress)

Turkish -- (may need to skip this due to low translation progress)

Greek -- (may need to skip this due to low translation progress)

Chinese (traditional)

Chinese (modern)

Kebap commented 2 years ago

Not sure if all languages are even necessary or probably only 2-3 to make sure this feature works in general.

vadi2 commented 2 years ago

In general 2-3 would be fine, but actually checking all of them would be good for another reason - to make sure translations come up right

SlySven commented 2 years ago

"Polnish" --> "Polish" !

English (British)

open preferences popup, General tab, change language to close and restart Mudlet, assert menus / buttons show new language -- may need to dig deeper to find actual differences

open preferences popup, check text for the 5th tab contains the word "Colour view" rather than "Color view"

Actually there is not need to close and restart Mudlet to check this as the "Profile preferences" dialogue is wired up to change pretty much it's entire content completely (IIRC) on locale changes - without the need for a restart...

Kebap commented 2 years ago

Feedback 1 and 2 applied.

Kebap commented 2 years ago

It's like this - while the preferences window does indeed change texts' language immediately, other Mudlet windows do still show the earlier translation instead. We need to decide actually how many and at which places do we want to review the strings shown exactly? My initial assumption was, just check the main window and the buttons/menu texts. Only for British there was no obvious difference, so I specified the preferences window instead (as one of the few places where those actually do differ) - but maybe we should look at translations in other popups and functionality as well? 🤔

vadi2 commented 2 years ago

I think just a few places is enough - to balance the amount of work to do vs the chances of it breaking something important.

SlySven commented 1 year ago

Since we now do change the command line output for the --help and --version arguments - and that system of translations is done differently (because we are not then running a GUI application) we ought to check that as well.

Furthermore, there are currently two sources of translated texts (for the GUI application case) - Mudlet's own and Qt's built-in (for it's own dialogues) we, perhaps, need to verify both - otherwise we would not have missed !