MuffinManKen / AutoBar

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new my extra appears over my bags? and cant figure out how to get mount bar to stick out to left not up or down #73

Closed Zerocharisma101 closed 4 weeks ago

Zerocharisma101 commented 1 month ago

sorry new issue my extra bar now shows over my bags kinda annoying lol and then the mounts either only go up or down i want them to go straight out ? if that makes sense haha.. image image

Zerocharisma101 commented 1 month ago

basically it is covering my hearth stones and i want it all to just shoot out stright left like how it is but not down 1 then left

MuffinManKen commented 1 month ago

The popup direction is set on the Bar. On the button itself, you can change the "Square Popups" and the "Max Popup Height" to further customize the behaviour.