MuffinSpawn / FMS

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Look again at actual target searching #12

Closed MuffinSpawn closed 7 years ago

MuffinSpawn commented 7 years ago

The tracker should have a mode where it scans the search area for a target.

MuffinSpawn commented 7 years ago

GoPosition does an implicit FindReflector. FindReflector searches according to the given search parameters, using the given approximate distance to determine the angular spread of the search cone (i.e. the search radius is taken at the approximate distance).

Thus, GoPosition should be doing what we want. I'll have to experiment a bit more to confirm whether this is actually working or not.

MuffinSpawn commented 7 years ago

Explicitly calling FindReflector produces the expected behavior, using the search parameters correctly. The Go Position VI has been modified to instead call PointLaser and then FindReflector.