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Revive Mock LT #180

Closed MuffinSpawn closed 6 years ago

MuffinSpawn commented 6 years ago

Interest has been shown in have a LT component simulator. I have an old one that is incompatible with all the changes that have happened over the past few months. The following things need to be done:

1) Update data types for public interface compatibility, 2) Figure out some way to return sane coordinates using the given reflector ID

MuffinSpawn commented 6 years ago

Simulating Reflector Coordinates

  1. Get Position properties from Property
  2. Define the LT location as the origin in the DSCS
  3. Define a static rotation matrix that converts LTCS -> DSCS
  4. Save all of the configured DSCS coordinates as the home coordinates.
  5. Monitor for position.dat events from Mapper
  6. Use the home Mapper coordinates to define the Mapper/DSCS origin z-offset.
  7. Calculate the current coordinates of all propeller reflectors using the home delta of the current Mapper position to displace and rotate the home coordinates.
MuffinSpawn commented 6 years ago

1-4 are done. I just updated the local copy of the Position properties with transformed DSCS coordinates saved in the MeasuredLTCSCoordinateList property. Those will remain the same, so we can just use those as the home coordinates.

MuffinSpawn commented 6 years ago

5-7 are done. I just need to make sure the measurement response pulls from the propagated LTCS coordinates.

MuffinSpawn commented 6 years ago
