MuhammedKalkan / OpenLens

OpenLens Binary Build Repository
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OpenLens with choco install: Error - hashes do not match #119

Closed igorquintaes closed 1 year ago

igorquintaes commented 1 year ago

Both commands written in leads into packages with mismatcheds hashes.

Using choco install -y openlens targets 6.3.0 version, that is already known to have different hashes. Using choco install -y openlens --pre targets wrongly 6.4.0-beta9 version, that has different hashes too.


It also a know error using brew, based on closed issues #88 and #80. So, could I sugest to keep an issue open while readme commands don't work? Would be easier to people know that it is a current and tracked error - and keeping in mind that using --ignore-checksums always is not a good practice.

A current workaround is targeting latest beta package or a previous openlens version with a correct hash. Example: choco install openlens --version=6.4.0-beta10 --pre

MuhammedKalkan commented 1 year ago

6.4.0 should be ok.