Muirey03 / Zenith

Bug reporting for the Zenith tweak
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Removing sub app and then tapping anywhere get safe mode. #74

Open by113950 opened 5 years ago

by113950 commented 5 years ago

Tweak ver: 1.0.7-2 or 1.0.8-1 IOS 11.0.3 iphone SE

crash log: {"blame":[],"app_name":"SpringBoard","timestamp":"2019-03-22 12:46:25.39 +0800","app_version":"1.0","slice_uuid":"a69ad55a-0960-3f4f-b4b0-17a371223cb3","adam_id":0,"build_version":"50","bundleID":"","share_with_app_devs":false,"is_first_party":true,"bug_type":"109","os_version":"iPhone OS 11.0.3 (15A432)","incident_id":"5AD3EFC3-B4B4-4C9F-86FE-30A292726947","name":"SpringBoard","symbolicated":true} Incident Identifier: 5AD3EFC3-B4B4-4C9F-86FE-30A292726947 CrashReporter Key: 98ccaa605762006a11421afd54baa8f26ed53edc Hardware Model: iPhone8,4 Process: SpringBoard [12015] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/ Identifier: Version: 50 (1.0) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: [71]

Date/Time: 2019-03-22 12:46:23.7195 +0800 Launch Time: 2019-03-22 12:17:11.1987 +0800 OS Version: iPhone OS 11.0.3 (15A432) Baseband Version: 6.17.00 Report Version: 104

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY Triggered by Thread: 0

Application Specific Information: abort() called

Filtered syslog: None found

Last Exception Backtrace: 0 CoreFoundation 0x186233d38 0x1860f2000 + 0x141d38 // exceptionPreprocess + 0x7c 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x185748528 0x185740000 + 0x8528 // objc_exception_throw + 0x38 2 CoreFoundation 0x186233c0c 0x1860f2000 + 0x141c0c // +[NSException raise:format:] + 0x0 3 Foundation 0x186bc2c24 0x186b16000 + 0xacc24 // -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 0x70 4 SpringBoard () 0x1012fa330 0x100d80000 + 0x57a330 // -[SBFolderController _addEmptyListForce:] + 0x234 5 SpringBoard () 0x1012f8928 0x100d80000 + 0x578928 // -[SBFolderController setEditing:animated:] + 0x5c 6 SpringBoard () 0x100e90f2c 0x100d80000 + 0x110f2c // -[SBRootFolderController setEditing:animated:] + 0x58 7 SpringBoard () 0x100eecec4 0x100d80000 + 0x16cec4 // -[SBIconController setIsEditing:withFeedbackBehavior:] + 0x168 8 Zenith.dylib 0x1065b34e4 0x1065a0000 + 0x134e4 // 0x00013468 + 0x7c 9 Zenith.dylib 0x1065b7474 0x1065a0000 + 0x17474 // 0x00017414 + 0x60 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x185bb9088 0x185bb8000 + 0x1088 // _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 0x18 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x185bb9048 0x185bb8000 + 0x1048 // _dispatch_client_callout + 0x10 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x185bc5b74 0x185bb8000 + 0xdb74 // _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$mp + 0x3f8 13 CoreFoundation 0x1861dbf20 0x1860f2000 + 0xe9f20 // _CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCHQUEUE + 0xc 14 CoreFoundation 0x1861d9afc 0x1860f2000 + 0xe7afc // CFRunLoopRun + 0x7dc 15 CoreFoundation 0x1860fa2d8 0x1860f2000 + 0x82d8 // CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x1b4 16 GraphicsServices 0x187f8bf84 0x187f81000 + 0xaf84 // GSEventRunModal + 0x64 17 UIKit 0x18f6a7880 0x18f634000 + 0x73880 // UIApplicationMain + 0xd0 18 FrontBoard 0x19b9f891c 0x19b9cf000 + 0x2991c // FBSystemAppMain + 0x448 19 libdyld.dylib 0x185c1e56c 0x185c1d000 + 0x156c // start + 0x4

Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x185d4d348 0x185d2c000 + 0x21348 // pthread_kill + 0x8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x185e61354 0x185e5e000 + 0x3354 // pthread_kill$VARIANT$mp + 0x18c 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x185cbcfd8 0x185c5a000 + 0x62fd8 // abort + 0x8c 3 libc++abi.dylib 0x185720068 0x18571e000 + 0x2068 // cxa_bad_cast + 0x0 4 libc++abi.dylib 0x185720210 0x18571e000 + 0x2210 // default_unexpected_handler() + 0x0 5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x185748810 0x185740000 + 0x8810 // _objc_terminate() + 0x7c 6 libc++abi.dylib 0x18573854c 0x18571e000 + 0x1a54c // std::terminate(void (*)()) + 0x10 7 libc++abi.dylib 0x185737ea8 0x18571e000 + 0x19ea8 // cxxabiv1::exception_cleanup_func(_Unwind_Reason_Code, _Unwind_Exception) + 0x0 8 libobjc.A.dylib 0x18574865c 0x185740000 + 0x865c // _objc_exception_destructor(void) + 0x0 9 CoreFoundation 0x186233c0c 0x1860f2000 + 0x141c0c // +[NSException raise:format:] + 0x0 10 Foundation 0x186bc2c24 0x186b16000 + 0xacc24 // -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 0x70 11 SpringBoa

Muirey03 commented 5 years ago

Can you send the Cr4shed report please? Also, does this happen when all other tweaks are disabled in iCleaner Pro?

by113950 commented 5 years ago
  1. What’s is Cr4shed report ?
  2. I can’t do that (disabling all tweaks) cause too many tweaks !

Here is my tweak list as bellow:

9ostalgia: 1.2 Activator: 1.9.13~beta4 AdBlock for YouTube: 1.0.7 App Admin: 1.0r-101 AppList: 1.5.14 Appstore Unrestrict: 0.0~beta4a AppSync Unified: 32.0 AudioRecorder 2 (iOS 8,9,10,11): 1.7-18 AutoShiftFix: 0.1 Avertas: 10.1.2 AVLock: 1.0.2 Backgrounder Action: 0.0.8 Backspace+: 1.0.3 Base Structure: 1-4 BetterCCXI: 1.4.8 BetterTextSelection: 1.1 BigBoss Icon Set: 1.0 BigCards: 1.0.0 BigShotJb (iOS 11): 0.0.2-2b BoostedWifi: 1.0 CallBar X: 0.3-60 CallBlocker: 1.1 CamReach: 0.0.1-154+debug CCAlarmETA: 1.0.2-1 CCLink: 0.0.3-7+debug CCLinker: 1.1.2 CCModules: 1.3-3 CCSupport: 1.2-2 Cephei: 1.12 Cercube for YouTube: CertRemainTime: 2.3.7 Cloaky: 5.1 CocoaTop: 2.0.2 ColorBanners 2: 1.1.1 Cowbell: 1.2.1 CrashReporter: 1.16.0-1 Croutons (iOS 9/10): 1.0-1 Cydia Translations: 1.1.12 DeleteCut: 0.1-1 DetailedPowerUsage: 1.0.2-1b Diablowsky Icons for OpenNotifier: 2.2 DismissProgress: 1.0.3 DLEasy: 1.3 EasyEditAlarms: 1.0 Ext3nder Installer: 021a EzPowerOptionsModule: 1.0 EzSwitch: 1.0.0-4+debug Fast Copy: 1.0 FenPower: 1 Filza File Manager 64-bit: 3.5.2-4 FingerTouch: 0.0.6b2 Flame: 1.3 FlatSafariURL: 0.0.1 Flex 3 Beta: 1:3~Beta60 FlipConvert: 0.0~beta5 Flipswitch: 1.0.16~beta4 Folder6Plus: 2.0-5 FolderCloserXI: 1.0.2-1 FolderColor: 1.0-3 Foldercy: 1.0.1 ForceInPicture: 1.1 FrontCamUnMirror: 2.2 FullSafari11: 1.0 FVideo: 0.5 GMEnhancer: 1.0 HomeHijack: 1.3.1 iCleaner Pro: 7.7.2 IconSupport: 1.11.1 iOS Firmware: 11.0.3 iPhone Firmware (/sbin): 0-1 JODebox: 3.0.7 KBPreferences: 0.0.2-1+debug Keyboard Accio: 2.3.3 LeadMeHome: 1.0.1 LetMeKnow: 1.3 libbulletin: 0.1-145 libCercube: 1.1.1 libcolorpicker: 1.6-1 libcrashreport: 1.1.0-1 libCSColorPicker: 0.7.9 libCSPreferences: 1.0.6 Liberty Lite: 0.2.10 libmoorecon: libpackageinfo: libRocket: 1.0.5 libSparkAppList: 1.0.1-1 libSpringPlus: 0.0.2 libsymbolicate: 1.9.0-1 LINE Tools: 3.1 Line Tools繁體中文化: 2.4 Link Identity Editor 2: 2:2.0.0 Locale Profiles in UTF-8: 1.0-1 Lockscreen Custom Text iOS10: 1.0 LSPullToDismiss [Public]: 0.0.1-1 LucidCamBars: 0.001 MakeCydiaBuyAgain: 1.0-1+debug MakeRespringsGreatAgain: 1.4 MilkyWay: 0.0.8beta Minimal Hosts Blocker: 7.3 MiscSettings: 2.1.0 Module Whitelist: 1.6-3 Moveable9: 1.0.0~beta29-27 MsgPin: 0.0.1 My Music+: 1.0.6b-1+debug NeverLowerMusic: 1.1 NextUp: 1.0.3 NoLowPowerAlert: 0.1-1 NoSubstitute (Electra): 1.0-1 NotTodaySatan: 2.0-1 OpenNotifier11 - tateu: 2.5.0~beta5 OpenNotifier9 Count Icons - tateu: 1.0.0 Photo Tools: 1.3 PhotoData: 1.0.0~beta19 PhotoManager 繁體中文化: 1.3.3 PhotoManager: 1.3.3 PhotoSize: 1.0 PhotosTimeline: 1.0.1 pincrush: 0.9.2-2 plutil: 0.0.3 PreferenceLoader: 2.2.4~alpha1 Profile Directory: 0-2 QuickPowerMode: 1.0.1 RealCC: 1.0.1 RecordPause: 1.3.1 ResetAllKiller: 1.0.2 RespringProgress: 1.3 ReturnDismiss: 0.0.1-4 Rocket for Instagram: 3.3.2 RocketBootstrap: 1.0.7~beta2 Safari Plus: 1.6.7 ScreenRecorderForcedAudio: 1.0-3 Selector: 0.1.1 ShiftCycle: 1.3.0 ShowTouch: 1.0.3-1 shuffle: 0.8.0b Shy Page Dots: 0.1.1 SilentRecorder: 1.4 SilentScreenshot: 1.1-2 Skrollerz: 1.3.0 Sleeper: 4.0.1 Sleipnizer for Safari (iOS 11, 10, 9): 8.1.2 SmallSiri: 1.2.1 Snapper 2 (broken): 1.3-release-candidate-borken SoundCloud+: 1.3.4 SpinXI Beta: 1.3 SpringPlus: 1.3-2 SSGestures: 1.0.0 StillHere: 0.0.1 SwipeExpander: 1.0.11-1 SwipeForMore (Debug): 1.1.9 SwipeSelection: 1.5.2-1 TapController: 0.0.4 TapTapFlip: 1.4.2 TechSupport Framework: TransparentDock: 1.1-1 Trim Times: 0.0.2 Tweak Count 2: 1.0.1 tweakCompatible: 0.1.4 TweakConfigurator: 0.3 Twig: 1.0.1 uasharedtools (iOS 11): 2.2r-61 Unicode Faces: 1.3.2 Universal Mute: 1.1.2 Universal Video Downloader Plus: 2.9.2 UnlockVol: 1.0-4 VideoHUD: 2.3 VolumeSongSkipper113: 1.0.1 WeatherVane: 1.1.0 WiJoin: 1.2 WishDia: 0.0~beta1 YouTube Tools: 2.0 Zenith: 1.0.8-1

Tommy Muir 於 2019年4月1日 下午11:07 寫道:

Can you send the Cr4shed report please? Also, does this happen when all other tweaks are disabled in iCleaner Pro?

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Muirey03 commented 5 years ago
  1. Install Cr4shed from Cydia, trigger the crash again then give me the report from the cr4shed app.
  2. Yes you can, just use iCleaner Pro.
by113950 commented 5 years ago

Replied No.1 question first Date: 2019-04-01 17:11:02 +0000 Process: SpringBoard Bundle id: Exception type: NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: a new list view should have been added Culprit: Zenith.dylib Device: iPhone SE, iOS 11.0.3 Call stack: 0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186233d50 __exceptionPreprocess 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000185748528 objc_exception_throw 2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186233c0c +[NSException raise:format:] 3 Foundation 0x0000000186bc2c24 -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] 4 SpringBoard 0x000000010457a330 SpringBoard + 5743408 5 SpringBoard 0x0000000104578928 SpringBoard + 5736744 6 SpringBoard 0x0000000104110f2c SpringBoard + 1117996 7 SpringBoard 0x000000010416cec4 SpringBoard + 1494724 8 Zenith.dylib 0x00000001092434e4 Zenith.dylib + 79076 9 Zenith.dylib 0x0000000109247474 Zenith.dylib + 95348 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000185bb9088 _dispatch_call_block_and_release 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000185bb9048 _dispatch_client_callout 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000185bc5b74 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$mp 13 CoreFoundation 0x00000001861dbf20 CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE 14 CoreFoundation 0x00000001861d9afc __CFRunLoopRun 15 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860fa2d8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 16 GraphicsServices 0x0000000187f8bf84 GSEventRunModal 17 UIKit 0x000000018f6a7880 UIApplicationMain 18 FrontBoard 0x000000019b9f891c FBSystemAppMain 19 libdyld.dylib 0x0000000185c1e56c start

Tommy Muir 於 2019年4月2日 00:54 寫道:

Install Cr4shed from Cydia, trigger the crash again then give me the report from the cr4shed app. Yes you can, just use iCleaner Pro. — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

Muirey03 commented 5 years ago

Did you get a chance to try this after using iCleaner to disable all other tweaks? Does this happen every time? Can you give me exact steps to reproduce this crash?

by113950 commented 5 years ago
  1. I’ve tried this today. But some tweaks I didn’t turn off because off systematic requirement ? You can see the video uploading on my google drive (the link is bellow) 2.The crash is still happened after most of tweaks were disable. 3.rf. crash files in my google drive

Tommy Muir 於 2019年4月15日 下午4:11 寫道:

Did you get a chance to try this after using iCleaner to disable all other tweaks? Does this happen every time? Can you give me exact steps to reproduce this crash?

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Muirey03 commented 5 years ago

Is this still happening in the latest version?