Mukosame / Zooming-Slow-Mo-CVPR-2020

Fast and Accurate One-Stage Space-Time Video Super-Resolution (accepted in CVPR 2020)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Difference in the PSNR values from pre-trained model and paper on Vid4 data #29

Closed brmurali closed 4 years ago

brmurali commented 4 years ago

Thanks @Mukosame for wonderful work.

I tried running Zoom-Slo-Mo on Vid4 data. And bellow are the PSNR results obtained using pre-trained model given in the repo:

20-07-29 12:24:23.998 - INFO: ################ Tidy Outputs ################ 20-07-29 12:24:23.998 - INFO: Folder calendar - Average PSNR: 15.863634 dB PSNR-Y: 17.315718 dB. 20-07-29 12:24:23.998 - INFO: Folder city - Average PSNR: 20.775272 dB PSNR-Y: 22.207506 dB. 20-07-29 12:24:23.998 - INFO: Folder foliage - Average PSNR: 19.139918 dB PSNR-Y: 20.540553 dB. 20-07-29 12:24:23.998 - INFO: Folder walk - Average PSNR: 20.339251 dB PSNR-Y: 21.705512 dB. 20-07-29 12:24:23.998 - INFO: ################ Final Results ################ 20-07-29 12:24:23.998 - INFO: Data: Vid4 - /home/ubuntu/Basavaraj/Zooming-Slow-Mo-CVPR-2020/test_example/Vid4/LR/* 20-07-29 12:24:23.999 - INFO: Padding mode: replicate 20-07-29 12:24:23.999 - INFO: Model path: ../experiments/pretrained_models/xiang2020zooming.pth 20-07-29 12:24:23.999 - INFO: Save images: False 20-07-29 12:24:23.999 - INFO: Flip Test: True 20-07-29 12:24:23.999 - INFO: Total Average PSNR: 19.029519 dB PSNR-Y: 20.442322 dB for 4 clips.

brmurali commented 4 years ago

In paper, PSNR of 26.31 is mentioned. But I got PSNR: 19.029519 dB and PSNR-Y: 20.442322 dB for 4 clips.

Then I tried changing the N_ot to 3, but no improvements. For N_ot=3, I got PSNR: 19.579613 dB and PSNR-Y: 21.011176 dB for 4 clips.

brmurali commented 4 years ago

I just want to confirm if my evaluation method is correct, and, also if you reported PSNR or PSNR-Y in the paper. (data_mode = 'Vid4'), scale = 4 N_ot = 7 flip_test = True padding = 'replicate' I also tried N_ot = 3 with slightly better results. Please kindly correct me if any of the settings is wrong.

Mukosame commented 4 years ago

Hi @brmurali , thanks for bringing up this issue. Our results are acquired when N_ot = 7. But still, PSNR_Y = 21 is still way too low. Would you like to post some visual results, or share more details about how do you get the input images?

Mukosame commented 4 years ago

Hi @brmurali , one more thing I just remember --- please also check your log to see if the index of images are sorted correctly. In my test script, I sort the files with this line: . But if your filename is different from mine, then most likely this line will give you wrong orderings and feed the model wrong sequences of data.

brmurali commented 4 years ago

Hi @Mukosame , thanks much for the quick response.

I downloaded the Vid4 HR and LR data by bellow commands:

wget -O LR/ wget -O HR/

And for LR calendar category, I downloaded from TecoGAN repo :

brmurali commented 4 years ago

Hi @brmurali , one more thing I just remember --- please also check your log to see if the index of images are sorted correctly. In my test script, I sort the files with this line: . But if your filename is different from mine, then most likely this line will give you wrong orderings and feed the model wrong sequences of data.

Sure! I will look into that.

brmurali commented 4 years ago

Hi @brmurali , one more thing I just remember --- please also check your log to see if the index of images are sorted correctly. In my test script, I sort the files with this line: . But if your filename is different from mine, then most likely this line will give you wrong orderings and feed the model wrong sequences of data.

Hi @Mukosame ,

I just put print statement after line: to check the list of filenames and bellow are the from output log:

'/home/ubuntu/Basavaraj/Zooming-Slow-Mo-CVPR-2020/test_example/Vid4/LR/walk/0001.png', '/home/ubuntu/Basavaraj/Zooming-Slow-Mo-CVPR-2020/test_example/Vid4/LR/walk/0002.png', '/home/ubuntu/Basavaraj/Zooming-Slow-Mo-CVPR-2020/test_example/Vid4/LR/walk/0003.png'

brmurali commented 4 years ago

Hi @Mukosame,

Just FYI. I've also started training on my local GPU (Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti) with batch-size of 12 due to memory limitation. Now it is running at around 51000 iterations.

So, I just evaluated on 50000_G.pth model and bellow is the PSNR output: Total Average PSNR: 19.907639 dB PSNR-Y: 21.354085 dB for 4 clips.

Mukosame commented 4 years ago

Hi @brmurali , the log should contain the order of filenames, please look in you ../results/Vid4/test_xxxx.log to check them. There are two possible problems:

brmurali commented 4 years ago

Thanks much @Mukosame!!

I will try to generate LR images using your scripts and then update the results.

brmurali commented 4 years ago

Hi @Mukosame,

You were correct. After generating LR images using your script, results are close to the one mentioned in the paper. Total Average PSNR: 24.492724 dB and PSNR-Y: 26.004505 dB for 4 clips.

brmurali commented 4 years ago

And thanks much for quick response and clarification on on LR images!!