MukurtuCMS / Mukurtu-CMS

Mukurtu CMS v4 Development
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/communities/community/[community ID]/edit #361

Open michael-wynne-wsu opened 2 weeks ago

michael-wynne-wsu commented 2 weeks ago

Admin theme is good.

nick-deer commented 4 days ago

@michael-wynne-wsu I added some helper text to the Sharing Protocols field, but I held off on the Description field. In v3 the Description field helper text explains dragging and dropping media from the media library. I assume we want to update this for v4 since we don't have Scald anymore. Should it just be a generic Description helper text like "Describe the community here"? Or should we still explain how to embed images in the WYSIWYG editor?

michael-wynne-wsu commented 4 days ago

@nick-deer We really need to do a complete overview of ALL site/field helper text... Do you think that's something that would make sense to start compiling in a document/sheet? Is there a way to generate a report of "these fields don't have helper text" from Drupal directly?

nick-deer commented 4 days ago

@michael-wynne-wsu I can look into that tomorrow but I suspect it'll be a manually-compiled thing...

michael-wynne-wsu commented 4 days ago

@nick-deer that's my guess, but it might be worth a quick exploration. I think we may also want to ensure that each thing is field complete before inputting helper text (but I'm open to discuss that).

Thankfully translation strings are exportable!