MultiMC / Launcher

A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once
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Error when trying to start up with mods #126

Closed JeffreyTehGamer closed 10 years ago

JeffreyTehGamer commented 10 years ago

I just added 2 new mods and I don't see an error with them

2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] // Hey, that tickles! Hehehe!
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] 
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Time: 3/3/14 11:05 PM
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Description: Initializing game
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] 
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/ReflectiveOperationException
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at<init>(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.ReflectiveOperationException
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at$
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     ... 48 more
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] 
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] 
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] 
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] -- Head --
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Stacktrace:
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at<init>(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] 
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] -- Initialization --
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Details:
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Stacktrace:
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main(
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] 
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] -- System Details --
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] Details:
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Minecraft Version: 1.6.4
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Operating System: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.9.1
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Java Version: 1.6.0_65, Apple Inc.
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Apple Inc.
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Memory: 380506080 bytes (362 MB) / 534708224 bytes (509 MB) up to 3212509184 bytes (3063 MB)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     JVM Flags: 3 total; -Xms512m -Xmx3072m -XX:PermSize=64m
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     FML: MCP v8.11 FML v6.4.49.965 Minecraft Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.6.4_HD_U_C8 126 mods loaded, 126 mods active
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     mcp{8.09} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (minecraftforge- Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (minecraftforge- Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BetterSprinting{v11} [Better Sprinting (core)] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     SuperEnchants{0.4} [Super Enchants] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     TConstruct-Preloader{0.0.1} [Tinkers Corestruct] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     TooManyItems{1.6.4} [TooManyItems] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     FamiliarsAPI{1.6.4} [Familiars API] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     DamageIndicatorsMod{} [Damage Indicators] (1.6.4 Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     bspkrsCore{v5.2(1.6.4)} [bspkrsCore] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     TreeCapitator{Forge 1.6.4.r09} [Treecapitator] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     cfm{3.2.7} [¤4MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod] ([Forge]FurnitureModv3.2.7(1.6.4).zip) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     deconstruction{2.0.1} [The Deconstruction Mod] ([MC1.6.4]Deconstruction[v2.0.1].jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Backpack{1.26.29} [Backpack] (backpack-1.26.29-1.6.x.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BiblioCraft{1.5.5} [BiblioCraft] (BiblioCraft[v1.5.5].zip) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BuildCraft|Core{4.2.2} [BuildCraft] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BuildCraft|Builders{4.2.2} [BC Builders] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BuildCraft|Energy{4.2.2} [BC Energy] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BuildCraft|Factory{4.2.2} [BC Factory] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BuildCraft|Transport{4.2.2} [BC Transport] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BuildCraft|Silicon{4.2.2} [BC Silicon] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     BWG4{1.1.9} [Better World Generation 4] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     candycraftmod{(Alpha)} [CandyCraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     craftguide{1.5.2} [CraftGuide] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_RecipeLoader{1.0} [Recipe Loader] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     eplus{1.16.5b} [Enchanting Plus] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     FamiliarsDefaultMobPack{1.6.4} [Familiars DefaultMobPack] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     FamiliarsExtendedFamPack{1.6.4} [Familiars ExtendedFamPack] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     FamiliarsHerobrineFamPack{1.6.4} [Familiars HerobrineFamPack] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     FinderCompass{1.6.4X} [Finder Compass] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     iChunUtil{2.4.0} [iChunUtil] (util^ Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     GraviGun{2.0.0} [GraviGun] ( Unloaded->Constructed
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     killerchief_halocraft{v0.6.2} [Halocraft v0.6.2] (Halocraft v0.6.2 (MC 1.6.4).zip) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     hamstermod{0.1} [Hamster Mod] (Hamsterrific[1.6.4] Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     fyrestorm_icecreamcreepermod{1.0.9c} [Ice Cream Sandwich Creeper Mod] (IceCreamSandwichCreeperModv1.0.9c Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     inventorytweaks{1.56} [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-MC1.6.2-1.56-b77.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     lucky{4.2.1} [Lucky Block] (LuckyBlock_v4.2.1_1.6.4.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     mca{3.6.0} [Minecraft Comes Alive] (MCA-3.6.0 MC-1.6.4) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_AdjacentCactuses{1.0} [Adjacent Cactuses] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_BatDrops{1.0} [Bat Drops] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_BattleCats{1.0} [Battle Cats] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_BoneDrop{0.0} [Bone Drop] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_BonemealAll{1.0} [Bonemeal All] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ButterMod{1.0} [Butter Mod] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ClassicSponges{1.0} [Classic Sponges] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_CreativeEnderpearls{1.0} [Creative Enderpearls] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_DyePlacedCarpets{1.0} [Dye Placed Carpets] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_DyePlacedWool{1.0} [Dye Placed Wool] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_EdibleMadness{1.0} [Edible Madness] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_EditableSigns{1.0} [Editable Signs] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ExperienceEnchantment{1.0} [Experience Enchantment] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ExpOnDeath{1.0} [Exp On Death] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_FallDamageReducer{1.0} [Fall Damage Reducer] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_FireGrenades{1.0} [Fire Grenades] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_FlamingNetherrack{1.0} [Flaming Netherrack] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_FleshDealers{1.0} [Flesh Dealers] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ForbiddenMenu{1.0} [ForbiddenMenu] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_FreezeEnchantment{1.0} [Freeze Enchantment] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_HeadDrops{1.0} [Head Drops] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_HeavyAnvils{1.0} [Heavy Anvils] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_IceBreaking{1.0} [Ice Breaking] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_JukeboxReplay{1.0} [Jukebox Replay] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_JumpSpeedEnchantment{1.0} [Jump Speed Enchantment] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_MelonSpawning{1.0} [Melon Spawning] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_MobEggEnchantment{1.0} [Mob Egg Enchantment] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_MoltenGlass{1.0} [Molten Glass] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_NightVisionEnchantment{1.0} [Night Vision Enchantment] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_NoteblockTuner{1.0} [Noteblock Tuner] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ObsidianXP{1.0} [Obsidian XP] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_OldBonemeal{1.1} [Old Bonemeal] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_PorkchopRebornMod{1.0} [Porkchop Reborn Mod] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_PotionExtinguish{1.0} [Potion Extinguish] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_RareDrops{1.0} [Rare Drops] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_RetrievableFire{1.0} [Retrievable Fire] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_RotateLogs{1.0} [Rotate Logs] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_SacredFire{1.0} [Sacred Fire] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_SlowLava{1.0} [Slow Lava] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_SnowmanSpawner{1.0} [Snowman Spawner] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_SpamEnchantment{1.0} [Spam Enchantment] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_SturdierArrows{1.0} [Sturdier Arrows] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_SugarRush{1.0} [Sugar Rush] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ThrowableBricks{1.0} [Throwable Bricks] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ThrowableSlimeballs{1.0} [Throwable Slimeballs] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_TntDefuser{1.0} [TNT Defuser] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_TntSettings{1.0} [Tnt Settings] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_UndeadHorses{1.0} [Undead Horses] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_UndoBook{1.0} [Undo Book] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_WoolPuncher{1.0} [Wool Puncher] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     chylex_ZombieNostalgia{1.0} [Zombie Nostalgia] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     mod_GoodNightsSleep{B2.3.2 : 1.6.4 by tippyfoo} [Good Nights Sleep] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     numina{0.1.2-55} [Numina] (Numina-1.6.2-0.1.2-55.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     powersuits{0.10.0-91} [MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits] (ModularPowersuits-1.6.4-0.10.0-91.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Natura{2.1.14} [Natura] (Natura_mc1.6.X_2.1.14.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     modocarina{3.4.4} [The Ocarina Mod] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     ClaySpawn{1.5} [Pam's Clay Spawn] (Pam's Clay Spawn Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     pamdesertcraft{1.0} [Pam's DesertCraft] (Pam's DesertCraft 1.6.4 Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     pamextendedglass{1.0} [Pam's Extended Glass] (Pam's Extended Glass Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     GetAllTheSeeds{1.6} [Pam's Get all the Seeds!] (Pam's Get all the Seeds Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     pamharvestcraft{1.0} [Pam's HarvestCraft Base] (Pam's HarvestCraft 1.6.4 Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     MushroomSpawn{1.3} [Pam's Huge Mushroom Spawn] (Pam's Huge Mushroom Spawn Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     MelonSpawn{1.5} [Pam's Melon Spawn] (Pam's Melon Spawn Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     pammobdropcrops{1.0} [Pam's Mob Drop Crops] (Pam's Mob Drop Crops 1.6.4 Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     pamrandomplants{1.0} [Pam's RandomPlants] (Pam's Random Plants Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     SimpleRecipes{1.9} [Pam's Simple Recipes] (Pam's Simple Recipes Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     pamtemperateplants{1.0} [Pam's TemperatePlants] (Pam's Temperate Plants Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     pamweeeflowers{1.1} [Pam's Weee! Flowers] (Pam's Weee Flowers 1.6.4 Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     PortalGun{2.0.2} [PortalGun] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     rancraftpenguins{1.6.4o2} [Rancraft Penguins] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     RodolRivalRebels{1.6.4} [Rival Rebels] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     ShowDurability2{1.2.6} [Show Durability II] (ShowDurability2_1.2.6_MC1.6.2.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     simpleores{1.3.0} [SimpleOres 2] (SimpleOres 2 + Plugins Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     simpleoresfusion{1.3.0} [SimpleOres 2 Fusion Plugin] (SimpleOres 2 + Plugins Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     netherrocks{1.0.0} [SimpleOres 2 Netherrocks Plugin] (SimpleOres 2 + Plugins Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     spellbound{1.0.0} [Spellbound] (Spellbound Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Sync{2.1.1} [Sync] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     TConstruct{1.6.X_1.5.3dev} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct_mc1.6.4_1.5.3.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     TF2Dispenser{1.6.4} [TF2 Dispenser] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     TF2Teleporter{1.6.4} [TF2 Teleporter] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     TwilightForest{1.20.3} [The Twilight Forest] (twilightforest-1.20.3.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     UniversalElectricity{3.0.1} [Universal Electricity] (Universal-Electricity- Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     VillageMods{1.2c} [Village Mods] (VillageMods-1.6.4-1.2c.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     VillageBiomes{1.2c} [Village Biomes] (VillageMods-1.6.4-1.2c.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     VillageDensity{1.2} [Village Density] (VillageMods-1.6.4-1.2c.jar) Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Wasteland{1.6.4} [The Wasteland Mod] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     weaponmod{1.6.2 v1.13.6} [Balkon's WeaponMod] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     mod_ZanMinimap{Not available} [mod_ZanMinimap] ( Unloaded
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Launched Version: 1.6.4
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     LWJGL: 2.9.1
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     OpenGL: Intel HD Graphics 4000 OpenGL Engine GL version 2.1 INTEL-8.18.29, Intel Inc.
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Type: Client (map_client.txt)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Resource Pack:
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Current Language: English (US)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT]     Vec3 Pool Size: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null
2014-03-03 23:05:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] #@!@# Game crashed! Crash report saved to: #@!@# /Users/JeffreyTehGamer/Desktop/ 1.6.4/minecraft/crash-reports/crash-2014-03-03_23.05.00-client.txt
Heufneutje commented 10 years ago

That doesn't look like a MultiMC problem to me... Have you tried it without MultiMC?

JeffreyTehGamer commented 10 years ago

Yup just did with an old minecraft forge i found in my launcher crashed with same exit code ;-;

peterix commented 10 years ago

java/lang/ReflectiveOperationException is only in java 7. make sure you use java 7.

JeffreyTehGamer commented 10 years ago

I am using java 7 just checked and its fully updated.

peterix commented 10 years ago

Could be a permgen size issue then. you could try increasing that in the instance java settings.

02JanDal commented 10 years ago

Is that also the version of java used by MultiMC for that instance?

JeffreyTehGamer commented 10 years ago

Yes and I just tried the perm gen didn't work, I think I'm going to try and pick out the mods that were recently added if I can recall correctly.

peterix commented 10 years ago

So, what was the issue in the end?

JeffreyTehGamer commented 10 years ago

I actually don't know because it doesn't pinpoint to one mod but multiple I think its just overloaded with mods but it's weird because usually I can install more than 111 but oh well.