Closed loco809 closed 6 years ago
Whenever I start the miner it starts mining briefly but after a couple minute it stops and goes idle while displaying the message “waiting for the next run”
Are you sure it is idle? Current builds do no longer display miner windows for most miners.
scroll up and you should see "active" that's the current mining software
@loco809 It's definitely always mining.
As always, to ensure that you don't spam the pool sites' data and to decrease CPU usage, MultiPoolMiner leaves the miners to do their work for 60 seconds.
Do you have any recommendations on the wording of that message?
Based on my GPU stats it definetly stops mining. GPU usage, Core clock,memory clock and temp all drop to idle levels as well.
Based on my GPU stats it definetly stops mining. GPU usage, Core clock,memory clock and temp all drop to idle levels as well.
@loco809 What do the logs say? Did you check for error messages? Which miner is affected?
I’ll check when I get home later but it would pretty much stop because “isn’t the most profitable anymore” so it just hangs there idle for a while until it starts mining something else but that can take 5 minutes.
@UselessGuru Hi, it seems that I get a "Failed to connect to miner (ExcavatorNvidia1)." error message. It doesn't go to any other miner, it just hangs there idle.
Please try with these files
Also try with the newest Excavator, currently 1.4.4.a
Please post the excavator log here.
@UselessGuru Nothing. It doesn't even create an excavator log.
What happens If you try to run excavator with the exact same parameter as MPM does? Have you tried these files?
Also make sure you have this
@UselessGuru I've tried everything you have posted and still 0 results. Maybe it isn't meant to be lol.
Either way I appreciate all your help, thank you very much, I'll try an alternative software for now.
@UselessGuru by the way I actually decided to download the previous version of MPM and it seems to work fine now. Not sure if there's some bug on the most recent release.
I have an issue with this $#!@% Excavator... Running MPM I have the ./APIs./nicehash.ps1 that came with the release, but can update if the one referenced above is different in any way that I did not see.
I have 2 excavatorNVIDIA.ps1(s) in the ./Miners folder. Can replace them with the ones linked above, but decided to ask if the linked above are different or newer.
When I start Excavator outside MPM it works. I modified the excavator+web+transcript batch
and fed it the MPM *.auto_2_nvidia.json
and ran it that way. I think it works.
If I can provide any additional info please let me know. Any help would be appreciated!
@mkirov0 Step back a bit here as this is going way off the original issue.
Lets start by opening MultiPoolMiner and copying one of the command lines from the screen:
Bin\Excavator\excavator.exe -p 23456 -c Zpool_Blake2s_1Q24z7gHPDbedkaWDTFqhMF8g7iHMehsCb_1_Nvidia.json -na
Open PowerShell and run that command like this:
Set-Location C:\Users\aaron\MultiPoolMiner\Bin\Excavator
.\excavator.exe -p 23456 -c Zpool_Blake2s_1Q24z7gHPDbedkaWDTFqhMF8g7iHMehsCb_1_Nvidia.json -na
Once you have done that and posted a screen shot, please then go to PowerShell again but this time format your command like this:
$Path = "C:\Users\aaron\MultiPoolMiner\Bin\Excavator\excavator.exe"
$Arguments = "-p 23456 -c Zpool_Blake2s_1Q24z7gHPDbedkaWDTFqhMF8g7iHMehsCb_1_Nvidia.json -na"
$Process = Start-Job ([ScriptBlock]::Create("Start-Process $(@{desktop = "powershell"; core = "pwsh"}.$Global:PSEdition) `"-command ```$Process = (Start-Process '$($Path)' '$($Arguments)' -WorkingDirectory '$(Split-Path $Path)' -WindowStyle Minimized -PassThru).Id; Wait-Process -Id `$PID; Stop-Process -Id ```$Process`" -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait"))
Done and Done
I don't know if it is supposed to print anything... It just keeps blinking on the next line...
by the way I saw the thread about that "-command" and went and checked and I have it in the nicehash API file. excavator did not start tho ... just did some digging around and realized the json you mentioned above is not in my Excavator folder.. I am assuming it is supposed to auto-create it at some point, so I'll just wait on that. In the mean time I ran it with a json I have but still nothing. ...assuming the choice of algo was not important.
On the first screenshot, you have missed the dot and the back slash at the beginning. Also, I don't think that you have pressed enter because it would have shown an error.
So enter that again and post the screenshot.
You are absolutely correct!
This shows the same command as above, but I just changed the json to one that I have in the excavator folder.
I could have sworn I copied the line from your post above mine, but can't argue with a screenshot 🤣 I guess I really need to sleep now. Thanks for being patient!
So this one is working perfectly on your screenshot:
So lets go back to MultiPoolMiner.
Download/extract a fresh release from here:
Add this to your command in the start.bat file:
-minername excavatornvidia2
Run it then post logs and screenshot.
and so it goes...
MultiPoolMiner_2018-02-25_00-46-11.txt MultiPoolMiner_2018-02-25_00-51-59.txt MultiPoolMiner_2018-02-25_00-53-55.txt MultiPoolMiner_2018-02-25.txt
I can keep it running for longer if you think it will help.
You've not screenshot Excavator so is it not there minimized at all?
This looks bad but I can't find out anything about that file:
Unable to load DLL 'api-ms-win-core-job-l2-1-0.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Start-Process], DllNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.DllNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand
+ PSComputerName : localhost
Going back to the second test that I sent you, are you sure this worked? (change wallet json file to yours)
$Path = "C:\Users\aaron\MultiPoolMiner\Bin\Excavator\excavator.exe"
$Arguments = "-p 23456 -c NiceHash_Equihash_1Q24z7gHPDbedkaWDTFqhMF8g7iHMehsCb_2_Nvidia.json -na"
$Process = Start-Job ([ScriptBlock]::Create("Start-Process $(@{desktop = "powershell"; core = "pwsh"}.$Global:PSEdition) `"-command ```$Process = (Start-Process '$($Path)' '$($Arguments)' -WorkingDirectory '$(Split-Path $Path)' -WindowStyle Minimized -PassThru).Id; Wait-Process -Id `$PID; Stop-Process -Id ```$Process`" -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait"))
Please can you run this second test command again and post a screenshot of Excavator?
Yes you are correct; excavator did not start at all. GPU-Z also did not show any load on the GPU. Second test did not start excavator. It seems to be a problem on my end with that dll. I am looking for solutions in the mean time. It seems the problem is on my end. Probably need to install Windows 10 and try again. Thanks for the help!
@ arronsace:
This looks bad but I can't find out anything about that file:
Unable to load DLL 'api-ms-win-core-job-l2-1-0.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Start-Process], DllNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.DllNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand
+ PSComputerName : localhost
I doubt that this related to excavator. In the log I can see that MPM attempted to start excavator a few times before, and there is no such error.
Seems strongly related to this issue
Excavator runs fine as a standalone application, but not via 'Start-Process'
@UselessGuru Thanks for referencing. I will start following the other issue.
Excavator issues should be resolved with this commit:
Please open a new issue if you find the same issue is still valid.
Whenever I start the miner it starts mining briefly but after a couple minute it stops and goes idle while displaying the message “waiting for the next run” which also takes a couple minutes to start mining again. That’s a lot of wasted time not mining given that it does it VERY OFTEN. Is there a way to keep this constantly mining instead of being idle for like 5 minutes every 2 minutes?
I haven’t changed any settings besides the ones that have to be changed,etc. any idea on the issue?