MultiPoolMiner / MultiPoolMiner

Monitors crypto mining pools in real-time in order to find the most profitable for your machine. Controls any miner that is available via command line.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Suggestion: Changes to pool code (e.g. SSL vs. non-SSL, different currencies) #345

Closed UselessGuru closed 6 years ago

UselessGuru commented 7 years ago

My aims are:

  1. Keep pool specific config in pool file, so I can mine to a different address or different payout currency with each pool
    . .\Include.ps1

Static values per pool

$Wallet = "3QYQg9JwVSvTTwpAdfaXJe2jQPC8JhG4X8" $WorkerName = "1080ti" # max. 7 chars $Currency = "BTC" if (-not $WorkerName) {$WorkerName = $env:computername} If ($WorkerName.Length -gt 7) {$WorkerName = $WorkerName.substring(0,7)} $Password = "x" $URL = ""

$Nicehash_Regions = "eu", "usa", "hk", "jp", "in", "br"

$Nicehash_Regions = "eu" ...

2. Disable disfunct algos per pool (in case an algo is not working well with the pool, often a temporary issue)


In case some algos are not working properly

$DisabledAlgorithms = @("cryptonight","sia","scrypt")

$NiceHash_Request.result.simplemultialgo | ForEach-Object {

$NiceHash_Algorithm = $

# Do only for selected algorithms, creates a smaller pool list
if ($DisabledAlgorithms -inotcontains $NiceHash_Algorithm -and ($Algorithm -eq $null -or $Algorithm -icontains $NiceHash_Algorithm)) {


3. Remove redundant code by creating only either SSL or NON-SSL pool information
This will
a) create a smaller $AllPools in MultiPoolMiner.ps1
b) eliminate the need to filter for SSL in building $Pools / $Pools_Comparison (=faster code)


Make SSL either true or false, will not be empty after this

$SSL = (-not -not $SSL) if ($SSL) {$protocol = "stratum+ssl"} else {$protocol = "stratum+tcp"} ... $NiceHash_Host = "" $NiceHashPort = $.port $NiceHash_Algorithm_Norm = Get-Algorithm $NiceHash_Algorithm $NiceHash_Coin = ""

    $Divisor = 1000000000

    $Stat = Set-Stat -Name "$($Name)_$($NiceHash_Algorithm_Norm)_Profit" -Value ([Double]$_.paying / $Divisor)

    $NiceHash_Regions | ForEach-Object {
        $NiceHash_Region = $_
        $NiceHash_Region_Norm = Get-Region $NiceHash_Region

        if ($Wallet) {
            if (($NiceHash_Algorithm_Norm) -ne "Sia") {
                    Algorithm       = $NiceHash_Algorithm_Norm
                    Info            = $NiceHash_Coin
                    StatsTimestamp  = $StatsTimestamp
                    Price           = $Stat.Live
                    StablePrice     = $Stat.Week
                    MarginOfError   = $Stat.Week_Fluctuation
                    Protocol        = $protocol
                    Host            = "$NiceHash_Algorithm.$NiceHash_Region.$NiceHash_Host"
                    Port            = $NiceHash_Port
                    User            = "$Wallet.$WorkerName"
                    Pass            = "$Password"
                    Region          = $NiceHash_Region_Norm
                    SSL             = $SSL

                Algorithm       = "$($NiceHash_Algorithm_Norm)NiceHash"
                Info            = $NiceHash_Coin
                StatsTimestamp  = $StatsTimestamp
                Price           = $Stat.Live
                StablePrice     = $Stat.Week
                MarginOfError   = $Stat.Week_Fluctuation
                Protocol        = $protocol
                Host            = "$NiceHash_Algorithm.$NiceHash_Region.$NiceHash_Host"
                Port            = $NiceHash_Port
                User            = "$Wallet.$WorkerName"
                Pass            = "$Password"
                Region          = $NiceHash_Region_Norm
                SSL             = $SSL


aaronsace commented 7 years ago

This does need speeding up; I'll consider your suggestions.

UselessGuru commented 7 years ago

How is '{$_.SSL -EQ $SSL}' in your original code below supposed to work? I assume it is ment to allow only SSL or NON-SSL pools in the resulting $Pool array, but not both. If I don't use '-SSL' ( -> $SSL=$true) as parameter, $Pools will still contain pools with SSL=False Is this intended?

    $AllPools.Algorithm | ForEach-Object {$_.ToLower()} | Select-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object {$Pools | Add-Member $_ ($AllPools | Sort-Object -Descending {$PoolName.Count -eq 0 -or (Compare-Object $PoolName $_.Name -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0}, Price, {$_.Region -EQ $Region}, {$_.SSL -EQ $SSL} | Where-Object Algorithm -EQ $_ | Select-Object -First 1)}
    $AllPools.Algorithm | ForEach-Object {$_.ToLower()} | Select-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object {$Pools_Comparison | Add-Member $_ ($AllPools | Sort-Object -Descending {$PoolName.Count -eq 0 -or (Compare-Object $PoolName $_.Name -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0}, StablePrice, {$_.Region -EQ $Region}, {$_.SSL -EQ $SSL} | Where-Object Algorithm -EQ $_ | Select-Object -First 1)}
aaronsace commented 7 years ago

Yes, I don't actually remove any pools; I simply sort them in order of preference.

I've been measuring a few command times before calling it a night and the main speed problem is in the two lines that you have just quoted. The number of pools need reducing before sorting.