MultiPoolMiner / MultiPoolMiner

Monitors crypto mining pools in real-time in order to find the most profitable for your machine. Controls any miner that is available via command line.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Case sensitive .TrimStart() method in display active miners list #364

Closed UselessGuru closed 6 years ago

UselessGuru commented 7 years ago

Miner path is not properly trimmed in

    #Display active miners list
    $ActiveMiners | Where-Object Activated -GT 0 | Sort-Object -Descending Status, {if ($_.Process -eq $null) {[DateTime]0}else {$_.Process.StartTime}} | Select-Object -First (1 + 6 + 6) | Format-Table -Wrap -GroupBy Status (
        @{Label = "Speed"; Expression = {$_.Speed_Live | ForEach-Object {"$($_ | ConvertTo-Hash)/s"}}; Align = 'right'}, 
        @{Label = "Active"; Expression = {"{0:dd} Days {0:hh} Hours {0:mm} Minutes" -f $(if ($_.Process -eq $null) {$_.Active}else {if ($_.Process.ExitTime -gt $_.Process.StartTime) {($_.Active + ($_.Process.ExitTime - $_.Process.StartTime))}else {($_.Active + ((Get-Date) - $_.Process.StartTime))}})}}, 
        @{Label = "Launched"; Expression = {Switch ($_.Activated) {0 {"Never"} 1 {"Once"} Default {"$_ Times"}}}}, 
        @{Label = "Command"; Expression = {"$($_.Path.TrimStart((Convert-Path ".\"))) $($_.Arguments)"}}
    ) | Out-Host

because method '.TrimStart()' is case sensitive. In my system Convert-Path ".\" returns 'C:\Program Files\CryptoMining\MultiPoolMinerV2.6' where as $_.Path is 'c:\Program Files\CryptoMining\MultiPoolMinerV2.6\Bin\Lyra2z-NVIDIA\ccminer.exe'

I suggest to use the following code to successfully shorten the displayed path: @{Label = "Command"; Expression = { ($_.Path -ireplace [regex]::Escape($(Convert-Path ".\")), "") + " " + $_.Arguments }}

fonyo commented 6 years ago

Hey @UselessGuru, can you please submit a pull request for this one? Thanks.