Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
169 stars 124 forks source link

Need help, i have wallet 24 words but can't restore it #1000

Closed mrpuiman closed 7 years ago

mrpuiman commented 7 years ago

Multibit 0.5.1 password issue!!

I tried with many wallet but so far not successful.

Try with different machine, it syncing wallet and show right balance as glimpse of hope and then cannot reopen that wallet.

WeaverTL commented 7 years ago

@mrpuiman Fear not, one of the forum members (Servpol) has come up with a method to get your coins back. Original thread:

  1. Get yourself an Electrum wallet, this is where we'll be transfering your bitcoins to.
  2. Go to and generate the private keys Multibit once made automatically for your wallet using your seed words.

You'll need the Private keys (copy the first several hundred or so) with BIP32 Derivation Path m/0'/0 (Standard "Multibit") for the normal addresses and you'll need the Private Keys made with BIP32 Derivation Path m/0'/1 ("Custom"). These are the Change Addresses Multibit made when handling your transactions.

Your bitcoins must be "connected" so to speak, to these Private Keys, it's how the blockchain works.

  1. In Electrum log into your new wallet and go to Wallet -> Private Keys -> Sweep. Here you enter the Private keys into the textbox and hit Sweep. If there are any bitcoins "connected" to these Private Keys they will show up in the next prompt.

Next set a transaction fee (something around 300 satoshi/byte), broadcast the transaction and voila you have your bitcoins back once the transaction is confirmed!

mrpuiman commented 7 years ago

It's worked!!! WOW. BIG thanks. What a relieved, now i ordered TREZOR and delete Multibit.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem. i have lost my phone using breadwallet and at the same time iwas using same wallet on PC with multibitHD i have lost phone and after buying new one it restored the wallet and hualaa. Adress with bitcoins on was dissapeared pls help me i cant find adress on bip39 generation. 14eTa7m33hCHKGB3kMdAWoYdfYEJyUzBmi this is the btc adress

doge2021 commented 1 year ago


I have the same problem. i have lost my phone using breadwallet and at the same time iwas using same wallet on PC with multibitHD i have lost phone and after buying new one it restored the wallet and hualaa. Adress with bitcoins on was dissapeared pls help me i cant find adress on bip39 generation. 14eTa7m33hCHKGB3kMdAWoYdfYEJyUzBmi this is the btc adress if you cant find the address on the bip39, then there is a bug in your seed. you can reach BTC recover he recovered my $0.25 Million doges in 2021