Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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My wallet is stuck with unconfirmed transactions for more than a month! #1006

Open PedroD opened 7 years ago

PedroD commented 7 years ago

Multibit HD 0.5.1

This is my wallet's transaction list and amount:


I am having the following issues:

  1. I don't understand why do I have 0.07btc ~ 224.59$ unconfirmed for a month by now.
  2. I have three transactions there that are still sending/receiving... What the hell?

These are the transactions in the blockchain:

I have tried the following solutions that failed:

  1. Wallet repair multiple times
  2. Wallet removal and reinstallation, from the seed words
  3. Wallet recovery on another computer

What I didn't try:

  1. Double spend (how do I do it in Multibit HD?)
  2. Remove transaction from mempool or wtvr (how do I do it in Multibit HD?)
quietgiant commented 7 years ago

+1 for the same problem. Mine has been stuck for about 2 weeks. I am going to try this later and also try to find out how to double spend in Multibit HD if the migration doesn't work. I will update later on the status and any info I find.

bgok commented 7 years ago

KeepKey support is currently recommending the following:

A known bug in Multibit is causing the error you are experiencing. Your funds remain safe and recoverable.

Please recover your wallet with using Breadwallet or Simple Bitcoin wallet. They are both mobile wallets that work great with Multibit wallet word recovery. Breadwallet ( is available on App store and simple bitcoin wallet ( is for Android.

We are working on other solutions for this issue and will advise when they are available.

trueshanti commented 6 years ago

been there done that .. in my case that happened in MBclassic .. its over one month now , and MBc and electrum refuse to do any further transactions (seemingly because of this ) :-( what can that be ? any updates ? pleeease

doge2021 commented 1 year ago

been there done that .. in my case that happened in MBclassic .. its over one month now , and MBc and electrum refuse to do any further transactions (seemingly because of this ) :-( what can that be ? any updates ? pleeease because they ceased to work since 2017. the transaction cant be broadcast to the btc network. if you have the seed, can try to restore via electrum wallet. if not, there is bug caused by this bad wallet. summarized here multibit wallet problems has details

doge2021 commented 1 year ago

+1 for the same problem. Mine has been stuck for about 2 weeks. I am going to try this later and also try to find out how to double spend in Multibit HD if the migration doesn't work. I will update later on the status and any info I find.

if you did not fix it, if you have the seed, can try to restore via electrum wallet. if not, there is bug caused by this bad wallet. multibit wallet problems and bugs